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IT'S SO EASY TO PLACE STAR-TELEGRAM CLASSIFIED ADS -JUST DIAL ED 2-7722 FOR RESULTS! OVER 200000 CIRCULATION EVERY DAY 12-C FORT worm' STAR-TELEGRAM AAONDAV MORNINO NOVEMBER 25 196B IBusiness Opper 401 1 Household Appl's 27 I I Farm Equipment 21D1 Loblyintd (Female) 20 I I Office Equipment 32 I 1 TV Radio Hi-Fi 27C 1 Household Appl's 27 USED carpet for 664 WA 6 384 EARLY AMERICAN Couch SYR nrw ly upholsiefed sofa bed $43 ED 4- 285I 1 RENT a new stereo or TV PUrthaSe option PE 240091 WA 3-4422 MASSEY'S TV Wen' biack-white service rental So 9 JE 5-2725 RENT A or black and white purchase option WA 3-4-422 i0C'D CROSSIIE $1 lb each iktO on hand No deliveries 31 trileS gufh of Cleburne Hwy )74 Broms Hver to Farm Road 56 Go south thruuoh Kooberl kooroxi rooteht 5 miles to Calaban Grocerki Ask tor Mr Catahan or New-Mein Coll Kobbert 1317-TU 9-2624 Atter 7 I IMiscellaneous 36 I Spotting ilicvelot Toys 36A WE BUY sell or trade for modern or antigue guns Autorized dealer tor suck knives PRINCE JEWELERS I LOAN SO! Main ED 23931 BICYCLE New Schwinn English hand brakes L)-sheed barely used SAS 834-6277 451-7421 STINGRAYS also all size oicscies PE 13515 PE 7-5S71 DRUG center with sports wear for sale Inventory plus fixtures Will carry note on fixtures Excellent 00- oortunity Owner has other interests Box I893 Fort Worth Texas LONG ESTABLISHED cleaners Vi Hesse PE 7-6589 BUSINESS PROPERTY Car lot and wrecking vard on busy highway In small town low overhead Building 50x200 feet with Pierre land Phone 5937 Bill Denison AsPermotth Texas PHINTiNCS WHILE YOU WAIT Key Instant Press 715 oth St 3361753 CLOSING OFFICE December 1st Must sell adding calculator ma chines tYPewriter check protector steel desk and chairs includino 5 large leather lobby or reception chairs various Other office files and etc Sell all or Part MA6-5417 Res JE 4-9642 A DRAWER MeTAL Mina cabinet WA 7-2914 AB DICK ELECTRIC mimeograph Good condition SISO JE I-3267 LEASE $5 month copy machines Now dry Pa Per No mixing JE 6-5907 CALCULATOR AND account receivable Olivetti Tetraclys 24-CR Excellent condition 332788M SAVE IS to 40 PER CENT Office desks chairs of ail types lobby and ceceotion room furniture FOREST HILL Dav Nursery licensed planned prociram schoo pickup He Clamon JE 6-5921 DOMESTICS Best In domestic help ED 6 11301 A 1 Employment 012 Houston BUSINESS other sevice Trpe dicta tion memeo bookkeeo edit write Make my office yours WA 6 41:30 tiCENSE0 day care evening babisittino WA 3 0314 DANNY'S Day Care Center Intent to Competent statt small enrollment Individual attention Low tales Licensed 231 5 Ave JE 6 9171 JE 4-9038 CHILD care in my homes Riverside I 8 -1156 Day work wanted PE 2-1791 OPENING Will teeth limited number with learning disabiblies Write Star-Telegram Box 112 XPERIENCED driver needs lob with florist auto parts or drug store' etc WA 4-1303 1 Miscellaneous 36 I FOR SALE 4S1 John Deere traC tor new paint lob recent overhaul oitod tires planters cultivators disc brm) plow Call 418 9888 DEALER Parts Service and Paintint4 HATCHER TRACTOR CO 4812 Brady GL 15151 Loop 820 at Wi Exit HAVE 2 Ford trlctors must sell 9N boort shape $495-1952 8-cylinder Ford $495 Also have some eauldtrent 473 1482 CR 4 5908 36C Clothes Sowing PIT Baroecue sandwiches beer money maker Slack PE 7-94I4 FANTASTIC opportunity to make money part time requires some work and small investment Call CR 5-2298 atter 5 CAFE 602 Central Ideal for couple Priced for quick sate EDS-385S Crowell Realty MA 4-4850 CUSTOM made drapes also sewing and aiterations JE 1-1506 LADIES site 7 9 ladies 14 Like new WA 4-3502 rr 1 i NEW and used portable buildinus many sizes Deliver IL 4-5S1 2 VAC Case tractors good rubber $175 and d25 4186044 RENT a brand new TV $7 deliveri watch a stations Floors PE 7-6035 RENT A TV with purchase color or black and white PE 20091 TAkE UP payments on '67 large screen color TV only $385 weekly Color TV Mart 11400 Henderson ED 6-5431 RENT new TV or stereo option Mr T's 1011 5 Main ED 6-2076 'IV a 3 'terms Martin's TV MA 6-0530 LOOK What You Can Rent for only $1157 per month New TeihviSion or Stereo COLOR TV MART 1400 Henderson ED 6-5431' COLOR TV like new warranty take payments $4 week TEXAS GIANT 900 Berry WA 6-1771 2 USED RCA color TVs as is your Choice ilbd 1900 Rosedale FOR SALE Dual 1019 1015 and 1099F Changers Fisher 550 175 2001 and 250 receivers and speakers Also Sony and AR unit Alter 5 pm 4401 Marks Pi PE 83959 NICE Kniqht 100A short wave receiver Ameco 75 transmitter anlennea relay switch crystals 274-6348 274-7899 I DEARBORN heaters all sizeS tvies NEW 5 Piece Spanish bedroom suite Ralph's Furniture Appliances large triple dresser with twin mir- 3202 Mansfield Hwy 535-0873 rors chest-on-chest and bed regular 7 i8' Uf11-RIGHT Kelvinator freezer 1241 rclgrencEof dririfornig esraottohr ocoodoppevraive4 S249 our ow price $168 PETE O'NEAL FURNITUAREs 2302 Main 293-2714 DILUXE SEARS Washing Machlne' UNCLAIMED STORAGE 18 months old Perfect Cost $2995 moving sacrifice $125 GL 11447 Lane walnut cedar chest $-39-95 Gas CI EAN AP stze Philco electric range SS 2door Hotpoint refrigera 1 range also used TV for sale AX 3- tor Spanish triple dresser1 2257 twin mirrors and bed like new GIDA IRE washer and Philco 11995 Office desk $35 Filing tabi- 11 SI I dryer AX 2-5167 PE 8-8400 net $15 ALL NEW MERCHANDISE INEOLEUM RUGS room size SPanish or Eariy American gueen $399 Giant 900 Berry WA 6-1771 size hide-bed $19995 Maple double WESTMORELAND sterling silver dresser mirror and bed $11995 some all patterns GL t5119 Naugahyde sofa becl arid club chair SY995 Kind size recliner $59 95 Ex NEW 7 piece dinette large extension table 6 chairs Only $50 Ira nice piano and bench $295 312- Pete O'Neal Furniture coil mattress and box spring set 2302 Main MA 5-1241 $4995 King-size mattress and box spring set $1995 Maple wagon SPANISH and Early American bed- wheel bunk beds $3995 Spanish Oak room and living room suites NEW bunk beds S5995 Mediterranean sol- prices Open eve- id oak triple dresser mirror and lat nines till IL Easy terms lice bed $175 7-piece Spanish di Ralph's Furniture Appliances 535 nette $9995 2-piece Spanish living 3202 mansfield Hwy 1111'1 room suite S18995 Spanish oak RENT new washer dryers ri- fet-hutch $5995 7-piece maple difrigerators ranoes and dishwashers nette $14995 Maple glass front with purchase option WA 34422 china $14995 Early American wing room group' back $S212699595UpHhiaolh- lc'LLS'Llistl-7CofEat ledivMmg 2 1 1 coffee la stered cricket rockers $25 atchind chair No money down free delivery Richland Form Storage b2lesstepreqtaublale5r now only $99 PETE O'NEAL FURNITURE 6608 Harmonson Rd AT 44414 2302 Main MA 51241 frAKE UP payments on 13 pieces TAKE up PaYrneril5 on 3 complete beautiful Spanish living room and rooms of furniture only $299 week dining room furniture only $298 Color TV Mart weekly Color TV mart 1400 Henderson ED 6-54311 MO Henderson ED 6-5431 BLUE SOFA newly upholstered li501 TE 8-3313 1 1 IInvestments 421 14Tu'r7aIBRING or send Your sliohtiv used accessories Special 3Clothe5 to Jimnik's 1613 West Berry drawer desk with walnut orained land let us sell them tor You formica too regular S10080 sale daily 10 until 6 S5995 UNREDEEMED men's suits $995 Finger Office Furniture and up laroe selection 2500 Mansf ield wy 6-01 Melvin's Pawn Shoo 117R Sn- Main WILL ouy first Hell notes on Drop ertY Estes 2-61451 I Poultry Rabbits 23 I IStock feed Pasture 21 I 111 ils I -4F- It 'I 0 -tty t( illkt1 iLkt 1' I a 7 7 tiZt14t 4(31 I 0 lo tot' 5 ir T3: ib 4 41 ---rt 11i 4 4 ot 041n4 :4 4 '4 '01- 1 5 tiOb driCi Red Quail 310? 200 MA 4-3135 IFixtures I Photo Equipment 37 I 5TA1 Chinchillas CONFiDEte riAL Signature Loons Coo Mrs Kirby 336-0391 BInner Finance CONFIDENTIAL loans to women Call Miss Eller ED 14238 Plaza Finance CHiNcHILLAs superur qudiliV tor sate Lite guarantee Terms Watson Route I Box 234 Alecto Texas Fort Worth Phone Li 4-0633 lo Cattle Bulls Sheep Swine CLOSE tagged tested wheal seed $4 a hundred Limited sueolv Crowley Feed Mill 291-1161 cows all kinds Deliver James Rankin 478-9438 FRESH baby calves it the dairy $15420 448 4520 Good Bulls Brahmas 3 to 4 years One redisered Angus 19 months One pure bred Charolais 10 months 477-)289 Hay 50 cents and up 47 7289 1 BUILDER desires risk capital loan of S10000 Will repay $220 weekly Box 160 Star-Telegram CHINCHILLAS Largest selection of lop Quality in Southwest Newest colors full guaranteed terms Visitors always welcome Caraway litto9 Silver Creak Pd CI 6-3133 I Air Gnd 8 Heat 27D I HOLIDAY CASH PRIVATE and women Call Mrs Beth 2-8333 Bdrnett FIn8nce NEW or used market fixtures terms or lease Sanders WA 7-0141 FOR SALE National Cash Regis ter upright fine condition Cali WA 4-0985 TAYLOR soft ice cream 2--flavor machine like new S1100 Hobart dishwasher WO blank 2-sided light ed 5)(10 Outdoor sign $500 GE commercial oven S150 Hamilton Beach malt mixer $100 Multi-mix malt mixer 550 Hotpoint electric 'Jeep fryer S75 Gas deep fryer 515 refrigerated sandwich bar S50 gas grill with S-S Cabinet and hood $100 StarMaster hot food server $35 Toastmaster toaster $25 RC Allen cash register $35 Westinghouse 11 Cu ft refrigerator $75 14 stools $50 6 booths with tables 5200 miscellaneous small items As priced if sold separately fantastically low price it sold as a package deal or will con sider trade for equal value CR 2081 or CR 4-4985 Box 793 I Dogs Cats Pots 24 I 35 MM CAMERA film Nash titters meter and bao PUY BO 2-- lo15 After petore 3 IJewelry Stones 38 I BEAUTIFUL Eastern Star ring 5 diamonds $200 WA 3-0917 2 MAGNIFICENT rings each 5 carats center stone total weight I carats each Mans watch Longine wiM 110 diamonds Necklace 194 diamonds over 30 carats Other diamond rings S75 Up Shown during bankino hours Chas Matthews 4136 Lancaster SCHWANER BROTHERS 414 an Waogoner Buliding upstairs jewelry store Specializing In fine jewelry and service All OriCes Complete line Holiday Manic Cosmetics ED 2-9520 DIAMOND ring Gent's excellent Christmas Present 14 carat melle approximately 60 center diamond about 100-price $1350 or trade for good First lien note 034-6277 or 451-- 7421 A 1 kIRBY VACUUM Cleaner All itt tachments Need relate part to tclkt up Povments or pay oft bal anceo 5344126 WE SERVICE all tvoes of heating and air conditioning equipment Sheet Metal Air Conditioning CE 71191 night ED 2-8606 WE SFRVICE floor furnaces wall furnaces central heat all makes Fort Worth Heating TE 8-0392 ALL KINDS Heating Service 1E 1-0284 OR BOX SPRINGS TWIN bed frame $15 (no mattress) GL 1-1344 5000 BALES Alfalfa hay SI per bale! Lifrisimas PuPPies or $JO per ton 10000 bales AltaltalBorder Collies all dOeS started and Johnson grass 80c per bale or i ogs Ray Hardwick 251-4352 Atle 1-24 per ton 5000 bases Alfalfa hay PEEN WET IN WINDROW 80c per OSTER Model A-2 animal clipper I bale or 524 per ton 10000 bales Ber- blades 10 15 58 30 535 730-9482 rnuda and Johnson grass 60c per REGIS FERFD Siamese kittens he or $18 per ton Contact A TE 8-jI87 Pletcher Spade Cattle Co PO Box AKC puppies 25 Springer Oklahoma phone 4051 l3 2661 WA 6-2341 After 5 weekdays FINE YOUNG Hereford bullS GREAT PANE PUPPleS AKC regis- 10)5 Kings HinhwaY tered fawn have permanent shots and ears trimmed excellent pecliND dree 26 champions In last 5 genera50c tions CR 4-3553 I 7 is' 1 HIGHEST pawn 10815 on guns tools TVs anything of value ED 2-0595 13o Bens Pawn Shoo 1510 Main Santa's Money House Get Acquainted Offer NEW CUSTOMER'S FIRST LOAN BORROW REPAYABLE 90 DAYS $30 $3300 $50 $5500 $75 $8250 $100 $11000 WE SERVICE all makes heating eguipment Grant Jr Conditioning Co 1616 Rogers Rd 2-793 RHEEM floor furnace 45000 BTU complete with vents and thermostat 540 PE 8 8749 WAREHOUSE heater 200000 BTU input 160000 Output with duct Also 5 evaporative coolers CR 4-5481 or CR 51825 '65 KENMORE portable dishwasher S100 292-6963 I 375 FOR SALE OR RENT HOOVER spin drying washers Portlble no piumbino ev the week Beds complete $2995 or Month 1011 Main ED 62076 MR TS APPLIANCE RENTAL 1 i 2 PIECE Early Arneric6n living i 5-Drawer Chests 1950 room suite? Woe sofa and matchindi Desks swivel chair reaular S249 now $178 WOW $10 Pete O'Neal Furniture 2302 Main MA 5-1241 Carpet $750 ABANDONED Chairs 56 $1375 2ND CUTTING of hav in barn MC Sdc in field Will deliver 297-I134 CUTTING of hay in barn 70c in field Will deliver 297-1134 IBusiness Oppor 401 FERTILIZED CoWaI Hay GL 11245 AKC Keseondens ideal watch-corn danidn dogs WA 7-7834 :1 9326 SIZES 10V2-22TA ALL TYPES OF store fixtures wall fixtures and showcases hand operated cash register Bargain for all or sell any part Inquire at Early lth Street Drug 320 7th ED 54461 Restaurant Grocery NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT Ice machines refrigerators ovens fryers griddles steam tables dish washer booths tables and chairs Mark Frederick Sons 3500 Collinworth Phone ED 24271 One block west of 1700 South University Dr PEKA-POOS poodles Menchesters Pekingese Chihuahuas MA 6-6064 BLACK POODLE Puppies $35 each JE 5:269 FRIEDRICH 1124 refriVerated window unit like neW condition Will give whole house cooling with lowest operational cost Special price if sold now ED 2-7017 6IS Riverside Dr CHAROLAIS HEIFERS IS halt breed can be papered from rerhstered Angus and Hereford cows and by purebred Charo kits bull Ready to breed Double-T-Ranch Weatherford -texas 7117 594 3457 'YOUNG las to pure bred $350 Cross Creek Ranch 214- 47 PROFIT OPPORTUNITIES FOR INSTANT CREDIT CALL MRS SANTA Factory distributor has several ex- cellent locations available ready in-I stall new Sneed Queen coin ooer ED 6-205 I atedi laundries ()aerate Your own business' and make money in your soarei time i MODEL FINANCE CO AKC Recostered Irish Setters CharnPion bleodlines Field and show Females Sl75 males $150 8 weeks old Ell 5 6417 Irving 1 IMusical Instruments 281 Table Lamps Wood I Pictures $2 Bedspreads regular twin $2 Nice Drapes pair $4 Shower Curtains 50c 9 am to 530 Saturday 9 to 5 WYATT FURNITURE 3440 Camp Bowie SNARE drums cymbots guitar etc Reasonable Call JE 5-229T 300 good dining chairs PE 2-3347 HOME AND EVERYTHING in it left beiind d5 couple leaves state and disappears Complete houseful Ito for public sale to satisfY past due debt Has walnut Mr Mrs Dresser tilting rnorror chest and bookcase bed 7-niece dinette Manic Chef gas range butte refrigerator-freezer living room has suia which sleeps two matching chair two end tables cot-fee tab matching decor lamps plus lUa souare foot carpet Orialnal Iv sold fur over SSOO Can be yours for only $297 No money down and $300 week Can be seen at TEXAS GIANT FURNITURE 900 berry WA 6-1771 Open Daily 9-9 Sunday 126 ALAMO Fiesta PickuP electric putter with new Ward's 2 input amplifier $59 AX 2-0245 Will Lease or Sell Room 403 D8f1 Wegoorier Bldg Materials 441 I Oil Field Equipment 34 75 REGISTERED BIG FLACK ANGUS BREEDING AGE BULLS PI I ULLDOG puns registere1 purple ribbon BU 2-0733 AKC POODLES Schnauzers co*ck ers Monkeys Mynah birds Pet Ranch 6305 Camp Bowie PE 2-6662 T-SEAL POINT Siamese kittens $IO each 6 weeks old TE 89955 ARC stud service Miniature Schnauzer Maltese miniature Dachshund Road's End Kennel'3 CE 2--4561 POMERANIAN A KC male pups 0'7 Best toys JE 6-2015 PIANO ORGAN HEADQUARTERS LAUNDRY for profit Special trade-in allowance for your old machines on new SPEED QUEENS No down Dements with trade Bank rate interest For complete details call or write Cliff Maoers 2108 Bonnie Brae Fort Worth ED 5-5886 or TE 8-8322 LAUNDRY for trAzia-in AiltnAlArte0 fry FOR SALE: One Wilson Giant Casing Pulling Rig complete with tools lacks mounted on 1960 International R-200 truck One Kerr Casing Pulling Rig complete mounted on 1961 International L-I90 Truck Phone Code 915 MU 4-8091 or PO Box 1229 Midland Texas MOVING to sot Like new Sears frositree refrigerator 550 Kenmore washing machine like new $150 dinette suite good conditIln $35 rolls-way bed other miccellaneous items Y'A 7-81213 GL 1-29711 REPOsSESSED 4 ROOMS real nice furniture includes range and refrigerator SIB iier month PETE O'NEAL FURNITURE 27 Main MA 5-1241 Look at these prices 2x4-2x6 No 3 fir $119S Ik12 Fir decking St175 Al! of our prices are at lobbers prices We have 32 patterns at oretinsh paneling to choose from Low prices at 5249 on 4)(8 sheets We have wood shingles to sell with other boullding materials Cali PE 8-6591 before you buy Castleberry Lbr Co 12-1968 PORTABLE BUILDINGS ENGLISH setter male 13 old reolsteted all shot $OO 731- S615 AKC Beaq)e pups-7 weeks MA 541809 I Misc Machinery 35 1 Shed by 2000 pound bulls Out of extra large cows many lr's brothers CROSS RANCH tal(mney Texas 542-4590 or pr Franklin Dallas LA 8-0363 FRESH BABY calvei-S20 up BU 1-6243 So ANGUS BULLS good gualitv weaning age to 2 years WO up Dawson Angus Farm BU 1 41694 COASTAL Bermuda hav Parker Co Lesikor 738-9765 292-5754 FENCES built for farms and 1r101- es Phone 7813976 Alvarado Texas PORTABLE motel units complete Deliver anywhere Terms TE GOOD Opportunity Doing excellent business only restaurant in Keller Other business in Keller reason for selling See at Keller Cafe or Pruitt's Super Market GERMAN snorthair pointer puppies 8 weeks old Good bloodiine Make excellent quail dogs after 5 pm EAU 1 2616 Antiques Art 27A LNIcKERNGrosewood square Grand excelient condition about 100 years ti00 Terms available Bruce Piano Co 2900 West Lancaster Anuctues atiatj I 02 I ff rosewood square Grand excellent condition about 100 Bruce Piano rms "CCo Co a 2900 West Lancaster 2 PAINIERS air compressors trailer mounted I gas electric AT 4- 1 Our entire stock completely reduced Over 200 new and used pianos and organs to choose from Buy from Fort Worths only volume dealer Here are some of The many bargains for you We have what you want Student 014n0 (nice $95 Soinet tvoe (clean) $115 Baby Grand (excellent) $275 Hammond Organ SiO5 Player pano (free roils) $295 Lowrey organ $495 Small consolette (clean) S29 W5 Many more we cannot list are loaded with baroains This is the greatest sale ever in Fort Worth Don't us now Texas Piano Organ Co 2300 HAL Tom RD 1134-7411 Open Daily 9-9 MUST SELL NOW! DRY CLEANING and laundry plant in booming Arlington Well established new equipment Reply to Box ill Star-Telegram AK Collie nupples and full blood 6 AKC Collie studs BUY Collie Idters and dons 479-5311 40 QUART Slakes ly Mixer in perfect condition Will sacrifice ED 9113i GOOD used 4" tubino Ideal for corrals or fence posts MA 68262 PATTERNS By MARIAN MARTIN Sew it in one hour one morning wear it in the afternoon! Just two main parts polish it off with bright binding Hurry send! Printed Pattern 9326: New Half Sizes 1212 14'2 1612 20'2 22 Size 1412 (bust 37) takes 21's yards 45-inch Send 85 cents in coins only for this pattern Add 15 cents for each pattern for first class mailing Send to Star-Telegram Pattern Department Fort Worth Tex 76102 Write plainly your name address and pattern number What's new for fall? 107 answers in our Fall-Winter Pattern Catalog Free pattern coupon in catalog Send 50 cents New Instant Sewing Book shows you bow to sew it today wear It tomorrow Over 500 pictures Only $1 7312 5919 BELKNAP TE 5511 ATTENTION BOXER OWNERS Needed registered boxer stud Have reuisicred 'MAIO Desire immediate breeders tontact Henry Martin 203 Vrtini We Texas 76691 Phone 446-5014 Needed registered boxer stud Have reolstured 'MAIO Desire Immediate breeders Aontact Henry Martin 203 Viro Inia We Texas 76691 Phone 446-5014 DRIVE IN type grocery store with market for sale Buy fixtures and in ventory stock Only one like it in Stop Six Average $500 daily sale Priced to sell 4900 Rosedale SUPPER CLUB seating approximately 200 $16500 By owner TE4- 7303 DRY CLEANING and laundry plant In booming Arlington Well established new equipment Rep ly to Box 174 StarTelegram FIRE brick like new 12c each MILLER WRECKING CO 3700 Grove MA 6-1941 450 CHAIN link 6' fence 3 gates Bargain ECI 6-2861 Call Monday APPROXIMATELY 20000 of 12" reinforcement steel Long lengths 4c foot MA 4-9381 7000 LB yard lift Clark 18 lift completely reconditioned for sale or trade 7113 Lancaster GL 1-3516 WANTED-600-lb Fork Lift for lumber yard use Driskell Lumber Co 4033 Vickery PE 2-1468 RECONDITIONED 1957 on Quickway Motor crane 45-foot boom 15-foot jib $9000 Also Minneapolis Moline front end loader Back hoe REGISTERED 25 ANGUS COWS dropping white calves from purebred Ulerolais bulls 8 calves on ground now oth- ers to calve soon Double-I-Ranch l'UODI ES WHITE MALE toy puP-- Weatherford Texas 87-594-3152 pies AKC registered $50 Cl 4-2083 STOCKER CALVES i REGISTEIR ED 1 a kittens I sired from show line TE 4-4115 Fresh load stocker calves Efere- 2 AKC Pomeranian males call fords blacks cross bred All kinds CR 42842 aftcir 6 all sizes 1204 35th MA 4-9481 TERR IE RS Dachshund an GOOD GREtN leafy Alfalfa Shepherd mixed Collie pups co*cker MA 4-980 cross others flood homes Hu TEr IE RS Dachshund German' Shecherd mixed Collie pupS co*cker cross others ticid good homes BABY GRAND excellent playing condition Special $54995 Terms to suit Bruce Piano Co 612 West Pipeline Rd by First National in Hurst Open Monday till 8:30 EARLY AMERICAN fo Freight damaged Will sell freight claim 3-room group consisid of beautitui sofa matching char platform rocker 3 matte tables tamps bedroom suite complete Dios rock maple finish dining oullit all brand new Buy entire houseful only No money down $4 week Tex- ANT IQUE wall clock with beautiful as Giant Warenouse 900 Berrv 1 case swinging pendulum runs perb'ock East of South Freeway WA 6-1 fect (8 days) 103 Vernon Castle 1711 Open daily 9-9 Sun 12-6 East Benbrook 240651 HIDE-A-BED brown tweed exceltentiOLD Edison recor0s prayer Rogers condition 885 TE 4-2190 silver Many Items AN 7-3011 LIKE NEW 30" ga range has large CHANDELIER body ot sterling sit-- oven a real bargzhn at 845 yer and plate Czechoslovakian crysPete O'Neal Furniture tal prisms Only 1 of its kind 5i521-2' 2302 Main MA 5-12'1 I with 6 lights Pair of lustres (marl- ITALIAN Provinciai bed- lel) bristol gold and white enameled room suite large triple dresser floral decor with arrow point crystal bookcase headboard and chest 8200 Prisms Cut glass 14 pieces sawtooth snuff boxes lalique cranberry set of 19th Century European fruit knives etc 708 23rd Cisco Texas i LATE Victorian living room suite i mir condition CI 4-0027 IA I GLASS fumiture trunks marble tops and lamps 2358 Roberts Cut-oft 626-8707 ARTIST will make pastel portraits from photographs 246-3504 t-LO blue 'hum illtni primitives oki pine butcher's blocks NI I A'S 4821 Panola JE 6-5104 ANTIQUE SALE maonificent showdnces mg fine bric-a-brac and turniture Lay away now for Christmas CHAS MATTHEWS ANTIQUES 4136 Lancaster NEW wood doors all sizes and kinds WA 4-6143 or WA 4-4381 NEW portable buildings all Sizes 267-1621 BU 3-1248 BUSINESS ASSOCIATE WANTED JELL SON 'S Sealv Posture firm Hu15x80" with metal frames and legs manr Soc PE 2010S PE 22856 JE 6-2753 to-VLJ 7421 Yvillis Ave PE 8-9522 I 0 'S Sealy Posture firm 54580" with metal frames and legs JE 6-2753 FOR SALE Wur Mier organ 4300 'ay171'i'W 2TZuBCT575 New in March '68 cost SUN Bar gain CI 6-9270 SMAI machine shop for sale call GOOD BEGINNER upri9ht pianos between 10 am and 3 pm 293-1550 Tuned new keys and delivered s95 HYDRAULIC JACKS air electric tools and tire changers reoaired ath Ave Piano and Oman 1838 8ih Ave 927-9835 Hydraulic Eouip CO 1 VOX Roval Guardsman amp 1824 Lancaster EDO-1133 good i ocndition PE 8-9914 111141- DOZER work wanted dirt CR 7-4713 or 214-BL 3-5449 1824 Lancaster -ID 6-1133 DULL DOZER work wanted dirt 41 PRAHMAN BULL years gentle $300 Phone 817-433-5214 Rt 1 Box bo Paradise Texas STOCKER taivec for sale------ AX 3-1280 AKC POODLE admin beautliol sil ver BU H534 2 TOY PoodiPs tor sdle-1 while 1 black females and 6 weeks old It 10108 C-JICE 100 xcctlent used chairs 2 for $25 cub nes $J5 Mattresses and box prinos 312 979 set 5020 BELKNAP BU 2-5889 BABY BED and mattress TE CHRISTMAS GIFTS Eii3ICE 100 excetlent used chairs 2 or $25 cow ties S15 Mattresses and box springs 312 cohs t79 set S030 BELKNAP BU 2-58891 BABY BED and mistress TE 4-i3746 CHRISTMAS GIFTS road work clearing 478-5706 AKC rccliMered Poodies 4C181i4 3 FINF REtISTERED HEREFORD MIS IS MONTHS OLD $23S ACH JONES BREEDER FORT WOR1H WA4O4JS EXPERT LIIANO tunina and repair1-- Ref inishina a specialty Satisfaction I FORK LIFT SALE auaranteed 8th Ave Piano and Or- 7113 Lancaster 451-1516 aan 1838 eth Ave 927-9835 STEEL wheel tandem roller Model and AC maintainer CR 5-1t22 LSMunAnLoLrgcahnordsloAanMS6a9ny500tThehreaotrre 1FORKLIFT trvks Clark new used bans Easy terms lad' electric Sell or lease Today's LUKE'S MUSIC CO special 1966 25 loader 3424 Camp Bowie ED 2-1379 Priced to move $1650 Dub Wilson NEVER BEFORE Joe Gray ED 6-5781 PIANO-ORGAN SALE TOOL and cutter grinder JE 5-7167 WHY? Simple No sales commis sions LOWEST overhead We want 2325 Timberline flULL99ZER 1IL25 YOUR business NOW! NOTHING 3T PIANO-ORGAN SALE TOOL and cutter grinder JE 5-7167 WHY? Simple No sales commis Timberline sions LOWEST overhead We want 2325 YOUR business NOW! NOTHING 3T BULL DOZER oil clutch No 25 unit straight blade 410 14 Hi DAMAGED 10x20 12x24 portable We offer on an exclusive area but dings must sell TE 4-5517 bases the opportunity to affiliate with a corporation that Is one of the CASH AND TOTE IT fastest growing of its kind in the no Creosote post 801 and so hon Persons selected should earn Corrugated iron made USA $895 exceptional income the ist month Aluminum screen doors S350 $895 with substantial i a 0 each Aluminum window screens month thereafter A permanent resid Insulated siding $0895 ual income within a few months of 1x11 105 siding $1150 4xtt prettnished tile board $595 operation This opportunity to share 40 prefinished Paneling in the virtually unlimited potential of $2 98 our field is offered to one resoonst 4x8 14 hardboard $149 ble and ethical person in this area 4xd 14" sheetrock $102 12xI2 ceiling tile 9112c 1 No previous experience re- BRITT LUMBER Co golfed 3410 Grove MA 6-1523 2 We provide complete training I Open Mon through Friday and guidance SATURDAY 7:30 TO 2:30 3 No franchise fee PORTABLE buildings Offices stor i c1 A Ideal for absentee ownership or age work shops Hideaway In coniunction with present busl- NE 28th 626-2641 eaway Huts 200 ness $4500 investment required fully re- CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS turnable under contract For person Wholesale on light fixtures Cl inverview call Mr Sirota at the Inn of Six Flags 2614211 Other Rockwool insulation per bag S120 04inch sheetrock $102 choke areas available 4x8 12-inch sheetrock $144 90-ib roll roofing $265 4x8 LOUNGE FOR SALE 48 USA finished paneling 5298 Good business opportunity for 401 35" lineoleum underlay $295 person with small investment 4x8 14-inch hardboard $149 510 Magnolia 4x0 finished tile board 1595 GOOD SERVICE station for sale Interior latex paint $198 and $298 Small investment needed about $800 Corrugated iron $895 Good business WA 7-9177 Aluminum storm doors $1895 "I INDEPENDENT i station 3x6Ii2 Creosote post 80c Northeast Side good gallonage fi 167-11a hex roofing shingles 55 nancial assistance MA 4-3128 IC 8- 900 NE 79th St TRAVIS LUMBER CO 3739 MA 6-6673 North at 28th St Overpass at Stockyards RE(ISTERED Angus 12 good cows 70--isCHS3-tUNDS AKC A weeks bred 10 calve also bulls and tan 630 ED 2-5094 JE 14 Lesikar 1311-9765 7975154 DALMATIAN duos regislered 'VOA ponies and Shetlands eguin- unregistered ternaie meet Hay red Angus wheat straw TE 8-6757 or TE 1-1848 Clark McKelvey puless E111 31l01 GE MA-N hT-r-d term ilasiler Tie71 -411-111 months old AKC $45 CR 4-69 Haslet Texas Ton lots bulk or your sackS MINIATURE SCHNAUZER Sweet teed $30 Per ton AKC Outstanding studs JE 6- Steer feed 640 per ton bulk CHIHUAHUAS AKC grown Call teed 644 per ton bulk Sellinq out 620 each GL Horse teed 655 per trn bulk i0Y POODLES AKC registerc RANCH FENCES and Barns hold til Christmas BU 35224 0 5-1353 Glenn R119des CE 2:0729 AKC Poodle puppies toys and 4" by 61-6---f-Cnce post at lure sell or trade CI 62547 $3 75 each MA 6 8762 Toy Pox Terrier pupole FACHCHUNISS AKC A weeks and tan $30 ED 2-5094 JE 'DALMATIAN doos registered unr en istered ternale purebred TE 8-6257 or TE 1-1848 GERMAN female mnths old AKC $AS CR 4-6938 MINIATURE AKC Outstanding studs JE CHIHUAHUAS AKC grown SellinQ out S20 each GL 1-5166 by POODLES AKc reeistered til Christmas BU 35224 IkKC Poodle puppies tovs and tore sell or trade CI 6254T Toy Pox Terrier pupules WW ec held back Every item reduced to a cable control never before low price INo 60 cat scraper round bottom all Practice pianos 75 good shape with good undercar- Practice organs 5 uur3P rirlage All for $8500 GL 11081 USED grand piano!) SAVE UP to 30 INDEX mill Model 745 rower feed PER CENT big table and knee CR 4-9357 after 5 ALL new pianos SAVE up to 40 pm week-davs PER CENT NEW organs (loaded 1 ta with extras) save up to 50 PER Miscellaneous 36 IMiscellaneou7-7 41 1 111 pupoir-s 7 weeks Old 4s081 Spanish Incor Items I 3355 CRESTON AVE WA 3-9246 ITOR sale AKC registered white toy noodles 8 weeks old Call CR 5-1776 ALMOST syholesalecotusrtnpituurse appli: ances fabncs my 1 10 per glack cent WA 7-0309 JE 6-0441 11972 0 selection gas male ranges used and repossessed Terms A-Authorized Service te 1920 Mitchell Blvd JE A 33E7 SCHNAUZER--pu 03 Like New Used Appliances 64141 GUARANTEED stock Gas and electric ranges refriperts tors washers dryers From 13995 will Nofee Admiral Notaoint Frielhod daire Maytag Gibson Whirlpool Kenmore others BERRY ST FURNITURE 2204 Berry St WA 64431 Stud Service GL 1-8630 POlfsit Full -A-KC DALMATIAN Puiapies champl- I-151 tors washers and dine r5orsrefrigera Lowest sired GL 1-7216 prices No payments 'ill February PEKINGESE Enolish Imported males lst Evenings 'HI 8 Easy terms and others Poodles MA 6-8821 Ralph's I- urnitui Appliances WarlitNi Ali breeds 3202 Mansfield Hwy 535-0873 1 Stud Service GL 1-8630 AKC DALMATIAN Ourataies Champ-- on sired GL 17216 'PEKINGESE English imported males and others Poodles MA 6-8821 Puotties wanled All breedt Spanish Incor Items 3355 CRESTON AVE WA 3-9246 AuvOST wholesale furniture apish- fabrics My cost plus 10 per rent WA 7-0309 JE 6-0441 li 0 Li selochon oast 14 tt 70 44' ft 7-- gr kti'LN 4 '4'4'A 04 4 t1 'o ''t 41PA "ze -egt EXTENSIVE personal collection of antigues class china miniatures tin spinet desk and other furniture Many choice items Mrs Paul Cantrell Rt 1 Bowie 812-1947 FREE LANCE drawings at home PE 8-6061 WAREHOUSE SALE Welch Imports' annual warehouse Christmas ornaments decora- tions lamps chandeliers decorative items furniture and paper 'riche Coen 9 arm 1g 5 Pm Come early for best selection West on Highway 80 to 7700 block turn south of Rea gag Si go 2 blocks to Albert Ave west on Albert to warehouse PINK Rose Antiques rare art objects china glass primitive paintinins etc 806 Brook Wichita Falls Texas 145 PIECES Pre World War French Haviland China 6 piece suite Victorian furniture WA 4-8362 PRE-Christrnas Sale-20 per cent off on most items Weldon's Flowers 3400 Camn Bowie PIRLwOoD tor sale some dead Ceti WA 6--06() '1-- HAMMOND-LOWREY STORY CLARK THOMASSTEINWAY You name HAVE it! NOTHING down 60 months to pay All we ask is a chance to PROVE OPEN 9 TIL 8 Closed Sunday McBrayer-Barfleff I Ft Worths Keyboard Headquarters Lancaster GL 1-4522 GOOD pecans 65c pound 3308 Shoo-hard Forest Hills KITCHEN RANGE $45r hospital bed S25 yard furniture SI250 divan and chJir end table well Dump ED 5- MINIMUM investment required Earn up to $300 per week Drive In Business ED 2-2919 ED 2-0288 MINIMUM investment i red NEW PORTABLE BUILDINGS Salo Breeding Equipment OR SALE 4-unit DeLavel PiPelitle milker with centrifugal releasers tank with SOO gallon DeLavel bulk new compressor stall Chore-11H aummatic feeder 1-ton conveyor bottom bin Reasonable 817-523-44551 Soringlown after 6 PM ONE Jersey heifer Sin 1 first calf i CE 7-4561 Hoktein cow and calf $210 Call! CAIRN TERRIER 7469439 rAKC oupoies a i sired FOR SALE 600 gallon milk tank Bridgeport 817 683-2525 PPe ilnp and miscellaneous euuip-i CHOCOLATE Seal point Siamese ment BU 1-2036 BU 1-1225 Cats AX 3-269o AKC POODLE PUPPIES 1 Horses 2181 White toys $45 and up MA AKC COLLIE females beautiful markings 817-645 132 Joshua Sale Breeding Equipment AKC German shepherd pups for N4 151 1 to be fir rrf bli Ic 08' FT( bi 1 on GARAGE SALE Gym Dandy set toys for Christmas furniture lirtht fixtures etc Many other items 8014 Elizabeth Lane 1 block norh Weatherford Highway CI 40384 GREEN or ciry oak government measure Call alter 3 week days all day Saturday alter I on Sunday CL 7 4764 Azle ANTIQUE WHITE and do1c1 Spinet type in like new condition Reduced to $195 Terms No money down Brute Piano Co 2900 West Lancaster Open Monday till 8:30 Studio Piano $300 AX 2-2164 2N9'0'03 nkiensriLadrocwans: terru(Open Monday till Studio Piano $300 AX 2-2164 DRY CLEANING Central operation In fast growing Arlington new and modern Operating one pickup station Business very good and growing Sales in excess of $60000 ALLIED MANAGEMENT 1500 West 5th 335-5273 It Can Make the Difference Sundays 927-8993 DRY CLEANING al operation in fast growing gon new and modern Doer- ALLIED MANAGEMENT one pickup station Business good and growing Sales in ex- )f 360000 Nest 519 3355273 it Can Make the Difference Sundays 927-8993 EMPIRE-Mahogany Banquet dining table 5 leaves wtth Apron S215 Walnut Poster Bel S85 Small victorian Walnut Arrncare $95 Oversized spool cabinet perfect Store rack conversation piece 585 731-6708 FIREWOOD for sale dumped and stacked GL 1-6427 C81b PRACTICE pianos special S8995 up 1110 Bruce Piano Co 2900 West Lancas- 'ter and 612 West Pipeline Rd 0 HLirst RFNI a new piano $15 per month 1 opt on to buY 261-9551 01-7: Pianos '10 rtanos Wanted CEILING Christmas ores ent for lake cottage den or patio tjU 2i394 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 10000 prints act postcards and trdde cards for decoupage framina or a packages Lots of pictures and frames Also glass china dolls things 3539 Lancaster BRAND NEW 1968 Copyright 24 volume set of Colliers Encyclopede most still unopened $609 set tor 6400 CR MOO SIGNAL A business manufacturing and leasing necessary SAFETY SIGNAL equipment for all phases of construction work established Potential excellent details available ALLIED MANAGEMENT 1500 West 5th 335-5273 It can make the difference Sunday 927-8993 SIGNAL rent for all phases of construe Potential ex iness manufacturing and leas- necessary SAFETY SIGNAL vork established Pot I details available ALLIED MANAGEMENT Vest 5th 335-5273 It can make the difference Sunday 927-8993 LOOK What You Can Rentl for only $1 I57 per month! NEW Refrigerator freezer stove' washer or dryer COLOR TV MART 140 Hendeson ED 6-5431 BABY Chest of drawer mia-- cellaneous items MA 4-9347 '68 GE Programmed 4-speed washer and matching versatronic dryer factory representatives top of the lire Oar Retail value in owess of t45 tor only S315 268-1740 KIRBY Hoover Electrolux vacuums Small cash balance or S5 month Bruner WA 6-2365 HOME bar folds for transoort has accessories 626-5292 1 pm-3 Pm YOUR HOOVER headquarters for new used and rebuilt Hoovers parts and supplies Home Appliance Hoover Service -1063 Magnolia WA 4-1861 WASHER dryer refrigerator steT--- en coLch CE 7-5368 SAVE ON 3-ROOM GROUPS ALL BRAND NEW BETTER THAN AVERAGE QUALITY FURNITURE 8x10 8x8 3215 $175 8x12 3235 $295 10x16 $395 Lx1A4 3345 10x20 3495 I2x24 1635 4401 NE 26th TE 82863 5542 Belknap TE 4-90I1 CASH CARRY SPECIALS white 15 yr bond 1597 245 lb ruberoid roofing tite on 235 lb ruberoid roofing se tab white 17 yr bond $6c7 Prefinished paneling 4'x8 $297 Corrugated plastic panels 20c ft RED ROOSTER CO 1-2211 AT 4-1173 CASH AND CARRY GL 4x8 12" sheetrock $135 VP Ceiling tile white $950 31 Doors! Doors! 3 up 90 lb roll roofing $265 New screen doors $795 Latex paints $199 4x8 temperted tile damaged $149 4x8 decor paneling $249 up New corrugated Iron Sti 95 4x8 14' sheetrock $102 ILouvered doors wet S195 up Before You TEAGUE IBR Co 2501 White Settlement Rd ED 2-8393 DINING ROOM table (round 5 chairs Victorian design 4726 Townsend 926-4955 114 be kit VI I Organs Wanted Soot cash TE 4-7411 HAMMOND ORGAN M3 with 2 Lesfles JE 5-7406 4:41 Fi't 0SIr0 1 1' P- 01 111 o'o 71'4'Z 4046'44 507 SAVINGS SPANISH DECOR ITEMS 3355 CRESTON AVE WA 3-5246 FACTORY seconds portable buildings 8)(16' 10)(20 deliver TE 4-5511 FIREPLACE wood delivered and stacked Miller CE 12143 SoEirig'Mathinfs 27S 9 Horses and 7 Saddles 95o1 Grapevine Hwy AKC red apricot Poodle Puppies BU 3-3443 BEAUTIFUL Welsn Ponies regis- tered AT A-8467 AKC BASSETS By a champion sired After 5 weekdays anvtime SORRELL BLAZE-face mare In foal wends cE 20566! by registered quarter horse siud (Sorrell) $135 PE 7-3332 BEFORE you buy a puppy be sure you visit Road's End Kennels Large Normal Horse Shoeino selection of quality puppies wormed Thomas CI 6-9358 land inoculated christmas reserve SHETLAND PONY bridle saddled 'bons being made CE 7-4561 for apHold 5til Christmas WA 7-2629 pnintment 10 YEAR old beautiful Pain i gelding POODLES- Toy female white AKC: 14 hands gentle obedient reins Sired by California stock WO each best children or adults S135 GL 1- AX 25716 Stud service $50 7711 poppies Siamese kit-OUTSTANDING grey mare half Ara- tens and cats MA 6-4218 bien Years perfectly broken tor! anyone GL 15890 7 week old Pupoies Dachshund part Beagle 15 3 NEW SADDLES IN STOCK 2 males GL 1-6330 Barrel Racer RoPer Cutting horse 12 GERMAN Shepherds Female AKC etc SI21 um We trade Terms 4-3513 Fletcher's 3307 Lancaster -CL-1bIt'r Crt-fio F'OR SALE-5 year old blue OUrtilla 6345 Grapevine Hwy mare outstanding plavday horse Has won over 250 ribbons and fro-I Richland Plam AT 4-1556 phies $250 firm MA 4-1530 ALL Supp iels AT 4-15563 ALL Suop lies CERTIFIED Piano Tuner Duncan JE 5-51B0 machines purchase option Slaats 261-9991 tor On on PF ICE CREAM An excellent ice cream franchise located in very high trafic shopping WOnlerhil oPPOttunity for wirking couple or partnership Hioh Quality produ unique specialties ALLIED MANAGEMENT ISKI West 5th 33S-5273 It can make the difference Sundays 927-8993 ice cream franchise to- ICE CREAM in very high trafic shopping Wonlerful oppOt- for wirking couple or part- Hioh quality od I specialties ALLIED MANAGEMENT Vest 5th 3355273 It can make the difference YS 9278993 Loos BU 1-2555 CARDOIDE microphone with staid $45 2462671 I k-t i RUMMAGE SALE through 26th ev erybodv welcome 4921 Gordon behind Baptist Seminary CHOICE OAK firewood delivered and Staked 281-4441 PIANOS TUNED regaired or re Texas Piano Organ Co 2300 Haltom Rd TE 4 7411 RENT A NEW PIANO I day to 10 years MUSIC 4750 Belknap TE 4-1974 Seminary South Shopping WA 6-703 CLOSING OUT Our Inventory Big discounts Conn Music Co 1410 West Rosedale Invest 1 i InvesT BURIAL INSURANCE for children 1 thru 15 $1000 only 95c per month no medical examination or enrollment fee ACWS 16 thru 85 siluhtly Maher PO Box 10308 Fort Worth was CLOVERLEAF tiarrel Racer Saddle Special 1135 75 Fletrher's JE 5-9532 made padded seal Quick channe All sizes $54) and tin AT 41237 1 OAK or drY Delivered and stacked Carl 257-4423 r90 I t1M IOC OAK firewood Green or dry delly erect CE 7-1686 TELEPHONE Answering macriire (used) for sate AN 31701 OAK FIREWOOD $1750 rick $30 cord deiwered BUI-3191 $NeweaWcOh wood WA ouls46del4s3hutotrersiv Price Investigate! Acio4s-4e3r11 235 Johns-Manville roofing SS97 245J 1-Lock S699 l'4' 4x8 Sheetrock 4 $120 It costs You nothing to con- l'2" 4x0 Sheetrock $160 tact your local Better Busi Cash-and-CARRY ness Bureau tor a reoort 14" 4x8 plywood $320 ix Better Business Bureau 4 8 ee trock $112 4x8 Sheetrock 44 of Fort Worth Inc 25 lb Joint Cement S169 1004 Sinclair Bldg ED 2-5291 Spartan storm doors the best $1895 Fort Worth Texas 76101 California Care TEXACO NEEDS YOU 974 Churchill MA 6-3781 IF YOU NEW AND USED Plumbing Miller WANT PRESTIGE? Business of your 5436 Jacksboro Hwy MA 4-0571 Own? Excellent opportunity? We 2 AND 3-bedroom houses for sale to have stations available in the Mea- dowDrook area For more informa- be moved TE 8-7327 except Sunday tion call TE 1-1262 or nights 282-2028 LIFETIME fireproof tile roofing or PE 2-0434 528 Remodel cement 261-9719 SAM'S CLUB and Pool Hall for sale WOOD SHINGLES for sale Call us 112 Exchange before you buy PE 8-6591 Castleber- ry TEXACO Service station 18 years Lbr Co same operator and business is good LARGE brick home to be moved 181n Lancaster ED 5-0404 call 18171 289-3860 make offer Puns Stud service 485537 IDEAL Christmas oitt-i--BlaCk 7- year-old Welsh mare a biack 15 AKC DOBERMAN pups Warlock month old colt a child's English bletyiline S75 BU 7-6195 saddle JE 4-0769 'FREE kittens 3478 Cimarron Trail ISEAUTIFUL Palomino mare sorrel Cl 4117'1 mane top reining Saddles trailerI-4KC BEAGLE pups perfect gift for PE 79523 I Christmas 473-4337 APPALOOSA Colt buckskin White SIAMESE Stud Service blanket S40 CE 7-1204 MA 6-8993 RACING PROSPECTS -Toy POODLE Beauties Reasonable One 1967 Filly and one 1967 Colt Stud and oronmin( RI) 1-1994 sire AAA Three Bare ats breeding Furniture CitiMS granddauohter of Sea Biscuit- I ruralture Wanted 26 I DOUBLEi-T-RANCH Weatherford Texas 817-594-34571 led service 4785532 DOBERMAN pups Warlock ne 575 BU 2-6195 kittens 3478 Cimarron Trail 2'r 1EAGLE pups perfect gift for nas 473-4337 SIAMESE Stud Service MA 6-8993 ODDLE Beauties Reasonable Bit 11494 miture Wanted 261' IFurniture Wanted 26 I OAK FIREWOOD 4'x6' rick 616 MA 6-3945 OAK firewood delivered and neatly stacked PE 8-0501 ED 2-8606 1968 SINGER Golden Touch and Sew Push Button Bobbin refill buttonholes etc repossessed in 3-drawer desk: $40 due assume balance at $IO per month Cans 202 Berry WA 3-7022 FEATHERWEIGHT MicroE I i complete with carrying case $3995 American Sewing Basket 1418 Vaughn Blvd JE 5-7400 Singer Dial-a-Stitch EMBROIDERS sews on buttons makes buttonholes etc Take up 4 Pavments of S446 per month Color TV Mart 1400 Henderson ED 65431 LARGEST IN TEXAS Since 1937 Finest products new and used Parts-repairs on all machines Fort Worth Sewing Machine a Supply 2622 Rosedale JE 4-1721 Singer Select-a-Stitch Zig Zags buttonholes fancy stitches etc S38 or $5 per month Carl's 202 Berry WA 3-7022 Repossessed DRESSMAKER fully automatic rig lag does everything Pay balance at S150 per month Color TV Mart 1400 Henderson ED 65431 Sewing Machine Rentals $5 Per Month with option to buy COLOR TV MART 1400 Henderson ED 6-5431 REPOSSESSED automatic zip zag in cabinet embroideries makes but tonholes sews on buttons all automatically take up payments of $8 Per month Color TV Mart 1400 Henderson ED 6-5431 FREE electric scissors with purchase of Universal Ziq Zaq model KTB at reduced price of only 58888 American Sewing Basket 1418 Vauchn Blvd JE 5-2400 EMBOSSED business cards $495 Anthony 2212 Andover MA6-475 DRIVERS' license bonds and SR22 filings for suspended drivers 121 Pipeline Rd Hurst 282-2595 Rooms modern $299-44 week 13 Rooms Colonial week ANNIVERSARY SALE 13 ROOMS French Prov $49945 week oer cent oft on all stock 3 Rooms Traditional $499-15 week DOLES AKC tiny toy peonies 3-ROOM "ELDORADO" Yorkie Male BU 3-1109 rIFUL AKC German Shepherd Spanish Mediterranean 2-piece Custom Spanish sofa and chair choice of colors 2 fine black oak steptabtes matching co*ck tail table 2 decor lamos of Your Choice Large Soartish thole dresser 2 Mirrors huge Chest on Chest full or king size bed heavy Spanish black oak Formica table 4 matchino Mon back vinyl chairs ONLY WEEK Other Spanish orouPS low as 1368 Any part may be Purchased seoa- rately Any item In store can be 'Placed In a room Group end you save BUY all of it Go anywhere EASIEST CREDIT IN TOWN -time JE 48773 or TE 4-0787 A It A on refrigerators a noes color TV black and white ILL Pay Hiohest Price for Good Used Furniture TV stereos washers dryers love 452 Nights AX 3-0794 seats recliners washers dryers love seats recliners swivels prices for furniture and form rockers sofas hideaway beds ices 24hour service desks tables iames mirrors chests 1625 AX 3-1210 I oeds hutches dinettes bunk beds and many more Huge discounts have anythino to sell call INSTANT CREDIT S63 The Fort Worth Dealer BERRY ST FURNITURE I sell it for you "WHERE YOU PAY LESS" BuY or sell Call Zachary 2704 Berry St WA 6-8431 SOO 1702 Berry open 01y 'tit 8 SuridAy 12 to 6 ED Good used furniture By TREMENDOUS Sayings on Ware-II or piece WA 11384 house and Damaged furniture SALE for good furniture and Color TV Mart tees Crouch WA 46040 1400 Henderson EO 6-5431 WY used furniture and aPoli- 3 ROOMS of all new furniture for MA 40922 night BUI-2895 only $188 MA 4-8444 NG 2nd hand store best HOPKINS FURNITURE 1509 28TH BUY all of it Go anywhere Anytime JE 4e773 or TE 4-o787 WILL Pay Highest Price for Good Used Furniture Nights AX 3-0794 prices for furniture and 24-hour service AX 3-1210 have anythina to sell call The Fort Worth Dealer sell i1 for you BUY or sell Call Zachary 1702 Berry USNi furniture By or piece WA 11384 SALE for good furniture and Crouch WA 4'6040 BUY used furniture and MA 4-0922 night BU 1-2895 Good SNi furniture By or viece WA 11384 SALE for good furniture and Crouch WA 46040 BUY used furniture and anon NING 2nd hand store best furniture Lu tut me Pi do be ab 2-P BI AP TIC2 GIBSON Faicon amplifier Bach trumpet with case WA 3-6542 BANKRUPT STOCK new 2 Pickuptremlo electric ouitar and arnO $4950 New 2 pickup bass guitar S4995 new 4 piece drum set with floor tom tom St1995 new set Ludwid dritrns $250 Used Fender bass guitar $125 BIG BENS PAWN SHOP 1510 Main ED 2-0595 Guitar Lessons In your home WA 65980 GRAND PIANO HEADQUARTERS OVER SO IN STOCK FROM $295 COMPLETE selection such brands as Baidwin Steinway Knabe son-Namlin Wurlitzer Brimbach All styles and finishes We take trades We can not be undersold FREE delivery tuning bfinch Ea siest of terms Up to 60 months Texas Piano Organ 2300 HALTOM RD TE 4-1411 Intersection of 2811 Belknap OPEN 9-9 DAILY Saturday till 6 FOR SALE-30 volume set of Briton jC Encyclogedias Bouoht last May PE 26261 after 5:30 OAK FIREWOOD green or dry deHvered and stacked CR 4-4991 WE 5 AMERICAN Quarter horse mares perrnanent registered two grade horses PE 7-7401 FOR SALE lee Hy P-74452 11-I ED 21452 Year-old bav stallion orandson of Hydro TB on top grandson Flying HIGHEST Bob on bottom Unofficiallv AA rat- apnliances ed plus plenty of cow sense Excel- TE I-1625 lent thsposition CE 7-3131 FOR SALE TELESCOPE PASCO Solorama refractor 500x60 mm inter chingeable lens 185 Hotpoint electric ranoe 2 ovens automatic $95 firescreen trombones 2 $50 each Hotpeint refrigerator $80 Call 732- after 5 week days FOR SALE altraclive color Welsh' IF YOU PoilY ideal Christmas gift S95 281- EDO-8563 7446 we will NEEDLEWORK By ALICE BROOKS Create things of beauty for your home while you watch TV relax chat with friends Small and large medallions are easy to crochet join into pillow scarf cloth spread Pat 7312: large medallion 6" in No 30 and 9" in string Send 50 cents in coins only for this pattern Add 15 cents for each pattern for first class mailing Send to Star-Telegram Needlework Department Fort Worth Tex 76102 Write plainly your name address and pattern number Giant new 1969 Needlecraft Catalog over 200 designs to choose 3 free patterns printed inside Send 50 cents now New! "50 Instant fabulous fashions toys decorator accessories Make it today give it tomorrow! Ideal for Christmas 50 cents "16 Jiffy Rugs" to knit crochet weave sew hook 50 cents Book of 12 Prize Afghans 50 cents Bargain! Quilt Book 1 has 16 beautiful patterns 50 cents Museum Quilt Book 2-- patterns for 12 superb quilts 50 cents Book 3 ''Quilts for today's Living" 15 patterns 50 cents 1967 CRISS-Cross directory Ft Worth and Dallas MA 6-1923 TAVERN WITH or without fixtures PORTABLE AND PREFAB 1523 Main 478-6209 BUILDINGS For office storage or MI siz GOLDEN'S Speed Wash 20 12pound es metal or wood From $8950 11d Speed Queen washers 6 9-pound Delver on your lot washers 6 Huebsch dryers Web Easy Bank Financing water heater and reservoir 815000 PORTABLE BUILDINGS CO per year gross Priced $20000 Lo 10200 South Freeway rated South 141h Write or call col 10446 WA 6-1061 lea 692-2652 610 So La Salle Abl lene Texas 79605 JONES KEITH LUMBER CO 3132 Mansfield Hwy JE 5-0836 BEAUTY SALON for Sale CASH AND CARRY 5349070 CR 4-0472 Delivered Prices Slightly Higher FOR SALE by owner Well estab- 3x61'2' treated posts 750 iished well stocked affiliated food 26x6 corrugated iron $116 store in Granbury Good fixtures corruoated Iron 1157 Grossing over $15000 month in grow corrugated iron $1 89 in town Health forces selle 817-573- 26 x12 corrugated iro -j4 1403 residence 573-1145 business corrugated iron Drive-In Sale corrugated Iron SI 26 MA 4-0565 2x4 8 aoate fir studs 52c 190 1 TO 5 YEAR OLD mare hest offer over ED 6600 S150 in next 7 days AX 2-5631 TNANTED PASTURE AND stalls lighted arena houseful and lots of Borumda grass only 5 minutes from town $IO fur pasture QUICK and 615 for pasture and stall Also anollances boardaso horses over 115 acres rid- WE appliing area AX 3-2236 duces 'WANTED PASTURE AND stalls lighted arena houseful and lots of Beromda grass only 5 minutes from town $IO fur pasture QUICK and $15 for pasture and stall Also annhances poarchng tictsrsspver 115 acres rid -14E RUMMAGE sale From fur coats to do-dads 2917 Strong Ave GARAGE sale furniture clothing tuna 564e Wedgmont ikEWOOD delivered Also haUling BUY scrap metal TE 8-2402 TREES TOPPED trimmed and re moved TE 4-0032 UNCLAIMED LAYAWAY 1968 Zig Zact Sewing Machine In big desk plenty of drawer space Makes buttonholes monograms Plus many designs 10 year guarantee Pay balance of $2863 4-3418 or TF 41s16 NUMBER I cord wood only $35 per cord Night calls only PE 81481 BALDWIN Spinet piano late model $595 Provincial grand Too beautiful to small ad) only $1595 Two Kimball Spinets Provincial and Spanish Your choice $557 Grands all makes Practice pianos SI95 up LUKE'S SALES ENGINEER 11- Prices 511 235-Dound roofing No "5 Looking for a young man with anis 25pound roofing No 2 $4 95 nearing background who is willing to 250-Pound flock No 2 55 work 2x4 and 2x6 58 75 harder than most and earn 1" and 2" cvorass 19c foot 1" and 9" oak 1 more than most With or without ex 2c foot parlance in sales Relocate Lubbock pine decking a 51 Texas Reply Box 166 Star-Tele- MA 4-3141 Seller's Lbr 411 Gran oram riipound roofing No 2 $4 95 250-Pound flock No 2 $5 51 2x4 and 2x6 58 75 1" and 2" cvoress 19c foot 1" and 9" oak 12C toot pine decking SO 51 MA 4-3141 Seller's Lbr 411 Gran I TV Radio Hi-Fi 27C I MUSIC MART PORTABLE buildings built to your specifications AT 4-9697 MARY Kay Cosmetics 15 per cent Ott of retail price ED 6-7906 OIL PAINTINGS with frames 65 to $20 3409 Reeves TE 1-1677 WANTED '66 edition or later of World Book CI 4-0097 PUMP AND motor for large outdoor swimming pool JE 6-6568 FREIGHT DAMAGED and repossessed refrigerators and freezers A-Authorized Service 1920 Mitchell Blvd JE 4-3342 NEW 3 PIECE Modern bedroom suite dresser chest bookcase bed oniv $ag Pete O'Neal Furniture 2302 Main MA 5-120 FINGERS RENTS Appliances Furniture By the Piece or Rooms Full for Homes Aoart ments Offices Also hospital beds FINGERS RENTAL FURNITURE JE 6-201 250d Mansfield Hwv 2-YEAR Palomino stud Perfect con I (-)-PE formation $225 Regislered half Ara- iprices tor etc 24-hour bran filly 7 months S25 WA 3-41111service TE 8-7171 BU 25131 horses for sale 27-011 FOR the best prices or good used Gourd MA 50559 Furnilure 24 hours call SORREL Filly 3 Years ord like Art! ED 2-1457 Night AX 33467 Daloosa horse colt 16 months both' WANT good furniture TOD price grveri broke CR 7-56(4 Veteran's Furniture ED 2-1452 BARRE horse for sale 10 year old PAY MORE cash for turnitute and no papers would be good plavdayI appliance JE 6-5801 horse Has been trained apProkh fop PRICES paid for good used mately 1 year ready to "'II' Plenlv i antiques odd 51)ced PE 8-4233 or BU 31786 'Plumbing JE 4-6811 40R-S-E HIGHEST prices Paid for good used with tall gates also eauipment' tUtnire TE 4-1487 GL 14890 'HIGHEST cash pad for furniture HORSE SALE and appliances Anytime JE A-5218 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 7:30 pm WE PAY TOP DOLLAR 1 FURNITURE APPLIANCES MA 4-8444 Color TV Specialist Black-white all models JE 6-8852 ZENITH 1968 model color TV close out Hurry! Greatly reduced We must mdke room Easy terms Sams Appliance Furniture 1900 Rosedale 5555 Belknap Lilaczs for Rent 45 I BA faeur rtA Guitars amps drums accessories Gibson Fender Standell and All name brands Texas Piano Organ Co 2300 Haltom Rd TE 4-7411 till 9 daily (Sat 6 0 rnI SONAR snare drum stand $25 274- 634S 2747B89 2 ELECTRIC guitars on amplifier cornet WA 3-0078 BUY YOUR Christmas dolls now Disposing of 20 year doll Collertir at bargain prices No Antiques 2800 Hemphill Christmas tree stands Wholesale 479-6483 OAK firewood delivered WA 70110 BEDROOM home privileges 5342447 Spanish BAR Stereo slight freight damage AM-FM 4 speed sterreg Take Dements $3 WPf TEXAS GIANT FURNITURF 900 Berry WA 61771 FOR shoo stood 10- CA tOn CR 5-3152 YOU CAN have your own business No capital required Foremost Dalt les ED 2-4375 ask for Mr Sutherland An equal opportunity employer 5 STATION beauty shop exotic decor pool Good business excellent lease low overhead by owner TE 5491 week days DO YOU want to work tor yoursett? Call Foremost Dairies ED 2-4775 ask for Mr Sutherland An equal oo loortunity employer 50c 2 MINUTE car wash with presoak bar Installed $13415 Special area Automatic Products Co JE 5- MI Box 3063 Fort Worth Fri PA RENT A Coin operated washer for your home Pay as you wash with purchase opton Trans America Apphance Corp JE 5-83el WHOLESALE PRICES on all new kitchen appliances WA 4-3219 Alt kind Of horses FOR Registered and 1 New and used saddles and tack 1 A-17 Ft Worth Horse Mule Comm Co Antic 1204 35th MA 4-0489 HIGHEST prices paid for used sadiCall ales Fletcher's Saddle Shop 3301 Lancaster JE 5-9532 All kind of horses FOR Registered and grade I ATTI I 361 cellaneous 361 NEW TVs stereos fast deliverv Option Mr Is ED 6-2076 NO CREDIT needed new TVs and stereos ED 6-2077 BUY any kind of Furniture and ours TE 45771 ALL buy your used furniture ater 12 Mk 6 Bs24 ENTION Richland Hills Mids area highest prices for furnionoitances etc Das or night 7171 BU 25131 3" Sporting eicycios Toys ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR with ice make repossessed like new oridinally $399 lake over payments $3 week TEXAS GIANT FURNI TURE 900 Berry WA 64771 KENMORE electric ranoe and oven SI25 246 2611 Citie EiTe TE 8 NEE ers doltis paid I SOUTH SIDE niCe rooms kitchen phone $37 WA 6-5441 NICE ROOM laroe closets emPlayed gentleman MA 4-1850 IVE RS lean Private entrance adloins bath TE 8 5844 IVANHOE HOILL 709 3rd residential downtown he tel Reasonable ED 2-4407 ENJOY MOTEL LIVING Coffee shoo telephone central heat TV maid service free ice oarkinn Private club 5 minutes from GE) Weekly rates Desert Village Motel 6651 Camo Bowie PE 89292 GENTLEMAN Haltom City 2 room guest house private bath no cookinu 5935 Broadway IN TOWN INN $2813 per week 1520 Camp Bowie RIVERSIDE beautiful bedroom or' vate bath Christian nentleman heat-air $15 week TE 11-327e MONEY? buy air condition-'reapers refrigerators Give fop immndiateiy JE 43342 neffd furniture Top dollar for octat GL 10421 I Office Equipment 32 I BURROUGHS sensimatic bookeeDing machine 2 Burroughs series bookkeeping machines 1 large car dex file hand addressograph manual check protector Replaced by IBM Will sell above reasoniablY Cl 6-4681 FOR 3300 21 total ma chine with tape recorder attached Programmed tor general ledger cash receipts billing trial balanceS and Federal W2 forms Can be programmed for Federal 941 form check writing and vouchering 13 bars call Mrs Nelson 7328103 or GL 18164 STENO CHAIRS chair mats manual Royal typewriter dictaphone dry cony machines 5711 Garage in rear BROWNING Cha I lender automatic pistol 221r 6" barrel new in case VD WA 4-0539 SLATE too pool times Rea Music Co MA 5-0261 SLATE POOL TABLES Fort Worth Billard Supply Co all Beiknao ED 6-2511 RLGULATION slate too pool table equity and financed IA new 26Iii 500 I FOR SALE Belknap Recreation Club air conditioned 6 pool tables Call ED 62511 RAPIDLY expanding company just beninning business in Fort Worth area looking for dependable people to stock small inventory of product Excellent income for time and space involved Call CR 7-0074 for TAKE UP payments on like new Color TV-stereo combination of 95 week Color TV Mart )400 Henderson ED 65431 PENT A brand new TV option to buy S7 delivers Hoot's PE 1-6035 TV TEST egUiPmen f-2 heath VIVM's trlplett VOM transistor testor Hickok tube fester Eico Scnn Best offer Call 8380405 QUASAR bv Motorola--An all traniistor color TV and sorid state stet eo full line No payment ti February lit Open evenings Nil 8 EASY terms Pelph's Furniture Appliance 3202 Mansfield Hwy 535 0873 4-1 STABLES Kennels Training shoeing stalls rations ronino 7100 Midway AT 44900 TE 47843 FOR SALE Pose gray 4earoid reoisterect half Arabian Arab conformation very ante 141 hands S260 B1J 3 0105 PAINT HORSES for saie or trade Studs mares nedings and coib Some national charrnions For anv kind of naint horse call Joe Denman TE 8-6257 Will finance CLIARTEP TYPE bay mare Good conformation PE 8-4319 tTAril 96 acres pore near Loop 820 812S0 month 626-8982 MORE circulation MORE readers make STAR-TELEGRAM POODle Ads Produce BEST results To place ads dial the People Ad phone KING SIZE beds from model homes sheets spreads pillows etc Also isino size bedroom suite Now half price 3nrms BU 1 4513 36" VESTA canoe middle griddie ICe new S75 WA 7-7485 Household Appl's 271 DOUBLE 8E0 Modern bookcase hcanboaro wau tnith OIL Can 626901 MODF cdocb 10t" Toe(e Foolir rulker nylon clean GL 1-1i35 RN couctl 10e" Forim er nylon Ci Pan GL ED 2-7722 HOUSEHOLD SALE Furniture lamos beautiful set of old chma S15 Chest ot silver plate $1750 odds od ends Friday Saturday and Surldsv after church 3509 Frazier WA 3011 REGULATION sx8 pool table very lN pond condition with all equipment Priced right WA 38404 IgCGeaIclpApoUrNtuOnRstyY inanedvadbrylishceledaniocinqa: lion 26 washers 12 dryers 3 dry 12 -AW)MT1C Beretta pistol prresc o3 for hion4es3 dD 5 TE 8-9420 Intorublae rntioln BC 44.
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