The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

A A A ill, Arizona The Republic 18 Sunday, Nov. 1, 1964 190-Business Opportunities tight after 4 p.m. TAVERN, clean. low down to JAY'S co*ckTAIL LOUNGE 112 S. Montezuma Street on Whiskey Prescott, Arizona.

RICHFIELD OIL CORP. Above SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE average opportunity in be For coming independent businessman. men who enjoys outdoor work. Excellent location. Partial financing available to qualified plicant.

call Paid training. informa ends. n. 256-1651. 9-3446.

Evenings weekcall YE 942-4374 or For information Mesa. Tempe area, WO 4-4611 or 942-4374. Liquor Store Bargain Beautiful store, best location, Terrific opportunity. Sacrifice cash at less than cost. CR 7-1263 bet, noon Outside City Liquor Bar Free and clear, owner retiring, low rent and payments.

Room for 250 customers. $10,000 down, or some cash 277-9815. and security equivalent. Agent7-3742. for lease four stalls.

GARAGE YE TASTEE Freez for sale. Just reopened. Save on this one. Cash talks. For appointment call 943-3212.

GARAGE for lease. Main street in Tempe. 216 Mill Avenue. WO 7-4623. ELECTRICAL contracting business.

Four trucks. $5000 gross month. Box 60-RX, Republic per and Gazette. ON highway in Pine Arizona cafe and home. Fully equipped.


36th St. Inc. 264-6294 GAY DISTRIBUTORS, 2919 HOT DOG! Gross Small $1300 wholesale month. Hot Owner Dog business. Must sell.

Oz Realty. 100 busy. AM 4-2121. CHOICE LOCATIONS! 46. 7, 8,6 9 licensed some east-some west some operationslow- Carli some high McCormack, reasonable Agent, terms on 944-3394.

all. Best NEW and used furniture store. location. Good business. Low rent tories.

with Good long clean lease. stock. Large Includes inventory, Priced equipment, tools, and lease. Health reason for selling. Box 90-RX, Republic and Gazette.

FOR IN A SNAP DEALERSHIP THIS AREA, CONTACT SNAP-ON TOOLS 3229 E. WASHINGTON 275-2489 AFFILIATE expansion of tried now available for Glendale, product 1. slope, No Scottsdale, Mesa Tempe. experience necessary. 2.

Complete, $6000 training completely support. secured Investment qualify in equipment. If you can ventory 274-6684. a of your own business call CAMERA STORE We graphic need a quality store for this camera choice photo- locafion on Scottsdale's Fifth Ave. PARK FIFTH AVE.

BLDG. 424 ShaBershell, Way A 947-3012 944-6004. vending route. In good co*ckTAIL northeast lounge and location. restaurant equipped and plenty parking.

Well sacrifice for cash. By Will owner. living FOR fast quarters. sale small cafe with 258-9483. PIZZA PARLOR pletely For Going business For more equipped.

details call Across from ASU. Grady Wolfe. GRUENEMEIER REALTY 947-7451 945-1341 BEAUTY SALON 3 Best stations N. E. shop completely furn.

6 dryers. option. Gross over area. $20,000. Lease $6600 Includina 279-5863.

equip supplies. Eves: RAY DIDLO RLTY 264-4851 WILL LEASE Location with separate office and yard. Remanufacturing of lumber, items. 20 home improvement related handle. P.O.

yrs. in Phoenix. $10,000 will Box 9232, Phoenix 20. GROCERY in Mesa. Number 10 IfWO cense, 4-4258.

good business. Cheap price. trade. TAVERN, good neighborhood West Reasonable for cash. 3927 Southern.

RESTAURANT DRIVE-IN CASH TALKS Showing good profits. 253-9982 7 p.m.-11 p.m. Crown SILVER claims. Good prospect. King area.

279-6340. SERVICE station lease, at inNorth ventory. 7th $1,000 will take over. 2001 Street. and MANUFACTURING business, truck Can be equipment.

$6500 plus inventory. available. moved or building lease 279-6698. low walkout price. Must living sell due quarters, to GROCERY store, other interests.

252-3110. WILL BUILD TO SUIT TENANT In center. all new neighborhood struction. Now Call ready for conshopping Builder, 939-3396. FOR SALE co*cktail Lounge Restaurant on US Highway 66 in Flagstaff.

Low down PO payment. Reasonable rent. Box 1281, Flagstaff, Ariz. EXCLUSIVE 200. sarily million by dollars spent the public, each unneces- year.

Our product will eliminate federal expense. Product now being used by this now available to municipal agencies is the general public. sincere, Manufacturer financially will appoint willing, vestors for exclusive, responsible into throughout the Should return territories up 1st 10 times original investment the Republic year, Gazette Write Box 43-RX, for additional information appointment. SERVICE station for lease at Inventory. Excellent location.

Plenty of local trade. 276-9953. GARAGE- CAR SALES The 5331 N. 27th Ave. car Sales Service Dept.

sections of this proven location are now available for leasing (together or separate). Anchor Realty, 947-7575. ALUMINUM door manufacturing equipment, 253-7175. GROCERY STORE with beer wine lic. Good N.E.

location $3700 plus Inventory. 944-0893. TV repair shop, complete with or without two way radio or '61 Econoline center, bus, same location shopping nine years, low rent, AM 5-9924. SIP'N Snack Coffee Shop, 518 East Dunlap. Good location.

Hobby shop, Avondale. Sell for less than inventory. Agent, BR 6-1210. TIRE business, wholesale and tail. Major brands.

Used tube distributor for state. Other sidelines. Selling lease, new equipment, and inventory. All goes. Make offer.

1440 West Main, Mesa. CAFE Seats 90. A going business. Like new, yr. old, weil equipped, refrigerated.

Highway near Phoenix. $25,000 bal. on contract. Call PAPAGO REALTY 275-4441 RETAIL BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 35 YRS. $40,000 profit per yr.

$150,000 total price Will show books to verify. CALL ED BERENS Eves. CR 9-7653 ED POST REALTY 5060 NO. CENTRAL AVE. AMherst 4-4711 COMPLETE food market with No.

10 license. Moneymaker. 258-9106. C-3 lot for rent or lease at price you can afford. Call Willie Yee, AL 3-4727.

HIGH INCOME attracts American Businessmen to Mexico. See Phoenix Yellow Page 138. Call AM 4-3141. 8 STORY HOTEL, 100 rooms apartments; cafeteria, 3 DR, club business west Worth, Price Year's est. gross! ED BARTHOLOMEW, HI 2-1555, Cisco, Tex.

SERVICE stations for lease. In. dependent oil company has good locations. Low Inventories. Friday, AL 3-9354; Sunday AL 2-8515.

$80,000 PROFITS? In 2 yrs on Guar. return from $1,000,000 Mfg. Corp. Have back orders of $200,000 in Bus. $20,000 needed.

Box 97-JK Rep. Gaz. $15,000 YR INCOME Most Important franchise offering In a decade now available in Phx. Tucson areas. No selling, no experience needed.

Steady weekly income Min. $3,000 cash required. Write Box 30-JK, Republic and Gazette. PARTNER will sell his Inter. est In large out of town motel.

Shows 900d returns on investment. Mostly tax free. $53,000. For ap pointment call broker. Al.

8-0573, SERVICE station for lease. Low Inventory. Exon Some cash will help North 36th Street. 190-Business Opportunities DONUT shop, west side. Owner Portians bound.

Sacrifice. 279-7510 SHOE store. Sub lease with tures. In new Northeast shopping center. 944-2831.

RESTAURANT restaurant to equipment operate. sale. Owner unable 277-3794 or 277-1582. NEIGHBORHOOD laundry. $16.900.

Terms. 3329 North 24th Street. NO. and restaurant lease and equipment for Includes two bedsale. room furnished house.

Good income for two. By owner. Valley Steak Highway 60. Avondale. Phone WE 5-9288.

USED car lot for lease including house Ready corner on Dunlap Avenue. to po. Low rent AL 3-8952. PRIME acre zoned mobile home site in Tempe city limits. Adjacent to school and city park.

$6500 per acre. Call J. 945-1357. GENERAL manager or president Timber, stable, strong disciplinarian, diversified background. Investment of required.

Available immediately, Interested executive. Re ply Box 32-JK. Republic and Gazette. DRIVE-IN On busy Rd. Couple can do real well here.

Low price low terms. AL Fekete Realty 265-5139 COIN LAUNDRY N.E., excellent equip, business. Owner 265-5568 LIQUOR OPPORTUNITIES co*cktail lounge grosses $6000 no. Bar $13.500 total, $5.000 down. Tavern NE, gross $3,000 mo.

Tavern NW, $10,500, $3,000 down. Tavern- Prop. $27,500 for. Tavern NE, $6.500, $2,500 down Package liq. lic.

$3,000 cash Pack. lia, store, gross $100,000 vr JACK STARR REALTY 264-4091 BEER WINE TAVERN Average $3,000 per mo. On main traffic artery. Bldg. 30 xBO'.

Total price for normal down with terms to suit. STROUT REALTY 275-7687 CAFE. $2000. Owner wants offer. Ample parking.

Franklin Realty, AM 5-5807. AVAILABLE: Two service tions on the Interstate highway Phoenix. Fine opportunity for the future. For information call AP 8-3521, attention Lawrence Taylor. COMPLETE cabinet shop.

Tractor also. 944-5066. FORCED to sell second hand store because of illness. Reasonable. 2121 South 16th Street.

Fast Results If You Want TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS BUSINESS, MACHINES. and Used. inventory covers price, $5,500 BAKERY 'X lent loc. good net, owner leaving state, $7,000 down will handle. JEWELRY STORE "Xint loc.

for watch repairs, $6,000 will handle. MEAT MARKET, NE Priced right, good net. HAMBURGER $600 down will handle. 2nd HAND STORE Low rent, 'xint loc. under $2,000.

Drive In Liquor Store Volume $125,000, high net, prime location with terms. Rental Equipment Yard tory covers price. Net $15,000 $20,000 yr. InvenDry Cleaning Plant 'Xint loc. and good net.

Super Market $18,000 to $20,000 annual net, $20,000 will handle. Paradise Valley Realty 4246 E. Thomas Rd. 264-5585 192-Business Wanted Opportunities WILL BUY For Stock cash any kind of Business Machinery, Equipment anywhere In Arizona. AL 8-6981.

CASH For any business closing out. Call days, WO 4-3942. Nites, WO 4-0191. SELL. Your Business immediately for cash.

Confidential. CR 4-0752 WANTED to lease: Meat or locker plant to accommodate 15 to 30 head of beef in quarters or halves; within a 20 mile radius of Phoenix. Write or call Bruhn's Freezer Meats, horn, Nebraska, Phone Elkhorn 3335 complete information. MARICOPA County liquor cense wanted. YE 7-1540.

Call anytime. OR 2 man small business wanted. Northwest. AM 5-2715. OUT of state buyer interested purchasing part or all interest in going Insurance Agency.

All replies confidential. Box 77-MA, Republic and Gazette. WANT a legitimate going business, or what have you. Must be clear. Will trade 36 notes of $4863.75, ing principal and interest, run for 9 payable 4 payments annually includ.

years, secured by Million Dollar lodge. have no telephone, you must drive to see me at God's Holy Mission, 5 miles north of Wikieup on highway 93. Thomas White. Have $20,000 to $30,000 to invest in going business. Must have active participation.

Box 78-MA, Republic and Gazette. co*ckTAIL BAR A moneymaker- license Priced right. Call 939-2476. JOHNSON JOHNSON WANTED active or inactive interest in going business. Must thorough investigation.

No schemes. Box 31-JK, Republic and Gazette. 194-Money To Small Leno Loans MONEY EASY TO GET Up to $1,000 on furniture, car, Diamonds etc. Pay back monthly. HOME LOAN CO.

Mesa. WO 4-3738. Money Problems? 279-8843. State Securities, on Auto -Furniture- -Signature. 276-7386.

BOY with scooter for large newspaper route, Sunnyslope. Mr. Sander, 939-9612. PERSONAL LOANS $50 TO $1000 for a little loan-(say $75) a Ititle while-(say 1 mo.) -at a little cost-(A L-I-T-T-L-E) Little Loans Corp. Downtown: 24 W.

Monroe AL 4-8853 Uptown: 4819 N. Central AM 6-8471 N.W.: 4834 N. 27th Ave. CR 4-7251 East: 3714 E. Thomas CR 7-7461 In Mesa: 439 W.

Main WO 4-8604 Member: National Consumer Finance Assn. MONEY AND MANAGEMENT. SERVICES FOR ANY EST. OR NEW BUSINESS VENTURES. INTERNAL CONTROL ANALYSIS Limited Clientele Phone 279-6561 R.

C. Montrose. Consultant. 195-Money, Real Mtg. Loans Estate, or LOCAL contract resident 253-8145 will buy mortgage Eve-Sun 252-9371 FIRST mortgage, money or will buy first paper.

AM 5-5384. FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR LOANS REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS ON ALL PROPERTIES O'Brien Investment Co. 1141 W. McDowell AL 4-2166 SECOND MORTGAGES Will buy 2nd mortgages of at least $100,000 or more preferably income property, shopping centers, etc. Bank references will be changed.

There is no obligation for qualifying, be interviewer. All inquiries Write held in strict confidence. Box 4RX, Republic and THE CITADEL FUND INC. Will pay BEST PRICES for your good mortgages or contracts. 264-9456 INSTANT LOANS CASH OR REFINANCE AKCO.

Available TODAY. 3033 N. Central AM 43141. Private Shedd. money Broker for Real Estate Mtgs.

Puss AL 4-2612 An agement experienced financing diversified manservice for Arizona business property owners. 3033 N. ARIZONA DEVELOPERS Central 264-2136 CONSERVATIVE LOANS AM Moderate rates Custom terms 4-1888 Gilbert Sullivan CONTINENTAL TRUST CO. $1,500. and up Quick cash.

1st 2nd mtg loans Also buy mortgages contracts 939 E. Missouri Main loan office 264-3539 INDIVIDUAL will buy your contract or mortgages. AM 5-1454 PRIVATE FUNDS Mtg. loans COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL COURTESY TO BROKERS Let Us Help You Close Your Deal! 3550 N. INTERSTATE Central MORTGAGE CORP.

264-6864 PRIVATE funds properties for 1st Wigs Conland. Mortgages LTD 264-9206. including vacant Let us explain Interest how your dollars can Properties. prepay Call Anita on prime Valley Roberts, Royal Realty, 264-9666. IMMEDIATE cash available for mortgages.

Columbia Mortgage Investment Company. 947-6770. 1195-Money, Real Mtg. Estate, Loans ATTENTIONI Loans on Hies including bare land. Free praisal.

Call Jack Dietz. 253-2466 $150.000 available! 1st. 2nd mortsages! Courteous Investments AL 46241. $200.000 Buying contracts mortgages! Immediate money! Also trading homes, land. SD 504 East Roosevelt.

acreages. income properties! "GrosAL 4-6241. sesss 1ST MORTGAGE MONEY SSSSS sEsss SSS5S BELL-STATE HAS QUICK ssssss SSSS5SSS SSS SSS $55 SSS SSSSS5SS SSSSSS SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS SSSSESSS SSSSSS SSS ssssss SSS to combine all your money problems into one low payment. As Low As FOR EXAMPLE MONTHLY PAYMENTS 108980 5.22 $1000 $10.44 $2000 $15.65 $3000 $20.87 $4000 $26.09 $5000 $500 to a Million SAME DAY SERVICE FOR EMERGENCY FUNDS STATE WIDE SERVICE WE SPECIALIZE IN 2nd 3rd MORTGAGES ALL THE MORTGAGE ARE NOT AND SAME SEE BELL -STATE SAVE. Open Daily 9-6 Mon.

Thurs. 'Til 9 Sat. 'Til 1 p.m. BELL-STATE MORTGAGE SSSSS SSSSS AL 4-5344 707 M'Dowell Rd SSSS! IMMEDIATE CASH We pay top prices for 1st and 2nd pose contracts and mtgs. Special money also available.

CONTRACT INV. CORP. 1309 Guaranty Bank Bldg. AM 4-4855 Eves. CR 7-1334 BUYING AM Gilbert Sullivan MORTGAGES CONTRACTS 1st Mortgage Loans AND CASH FOR YOUR CONTRACT Edwards Mtg.


7th Ave. 279-3548 LAND loans. Reasonable term and rates. Dean S. Davidson 822 North Central.

258-7431. WHY DILLY DALLY PICK UP YOUR PHONE Dial AL 8-6077 OUR APPRAISER WILL BE THERE THE SAME DAY You'll find our long terms low interest rate the answer to your money problems SECURITY MORTGAGE CO. 9 THE HOUSE OF GOOD DEEDS. 3800 N. Central 277-1416 2ND Mortgage specialist! Immediate money! Lower rates! Courtesyunderstanding! 49 years in Phoenix! "Grosso Investments" AL 4-6241.


1807 N. Central JACK DIETZ 197-Money Wanted in profits every 30-60 day $5000 GUARANTEE plus share Collateral unlisted stock of turn 72 over. year old company. P.O. Box 5073, Phoenix.

PHOENIX MORTGAGE CO. INTEREST TITLE Guaranteed INSURED 1st MORTGAGES payments Serviced Collected SEND FOLDER FOR DESCRIPTIVE N. LIST 2946 7th Ave. 279-3548 CASH FOR YOUR OR CONT. Prompt service-274-1040.

First SECURE Mortgages. int. Title Available Insured from $2000 up. Please call Mr. Foster.

MARICOPA MTG. CO. 8910 N. Central WI 4-4471 AVOID MGMT PROBLEMS Invest in insured rity mtgs cont. discounted Specialized for assistance highest servicing KOHLHASE 42 S.

CENTER, MESA 969-5548 $25,000 1st pays interest on co*cktail lounge. Will discount, or borrow $16,000. YE 7-4870. $9500 FIRST, $85 month, due 10 years, northeast, well secured. off.

945-3397. $3000 SECOND, $30 month, well 945-3397. secured, due 10 years, off. NEED CASH $1945 Discount 1st contract pays $42.14 will yield Mr. Grace, month.

AL 2-8017. $6,000 FIRST inter. est month plus for Pays $188.02 per discount. three years. Annual yield Call Mr.

Hutton, 279-9361. $34,000 FIRST. Pays $300 month. interest. Discount AL 4-7265.

PRIVATE party wants $50,000 as First Mortgage on apartment house. Broker. AL 47265. DISNEYLAND conceion, $25,000 needed receive re for operating capital, you one fourth interest in million dollar operation. Write Box 39-JK, Republic and Gazette.

$30,000 Title Insured 1st Mtg pays int mo. Principal return in 5 equal annual pmts. Mtg. extremely well secured by improved comm'l property appraised at $85,000. Please call Mr.

Foster MARICOPA MTG. CO. INC. 8910 N. Central WI 4-4471 $5,00 RETURNED you Monthly can invest.

GUARANTEED. public and Gazette. Payments. Re- Wanted 1ST 2ND ORTGAGES. UP TO 25.

DISCOUNT. $1000 to $5000. True pay out title insured. EMPIRE MORTGAGES INC. 264-6237 SHORT TERM TITLE Insured 1st Mortgages Value Discounted Pays-Time- Yield 617.50 20.50 36 mo's 1662.50 54.85 36 mo's 2.500 2350.00 78.35 36 mo's 5.000 4700.00 156.69 36 mo's 1 7.500 7050.00 235.03 36 mo's 11 10.000 9400.00 313.37 36 mo's Offered by one of Arizona's largest land Banking Institutions with proven performance record over the past 6 vears that is excellent.

CALL 279-9361 HUTTON 200-Strictly Personal THOUGHT FOR TODAY DIAL 945-2774 PRAYER for the day. 947-4321. Personis Ave. HELIARC welding. 1448 South 23rd YARD work.

Winter lawns. Reno vating. 276-0341. Trees, hedges trimmed. CARPENTER, painting, general repair.

AL 2-1157. HAULING and Cleanup. AL. 2-3534. PATCHING, PLASTER, Stucco.

AL PAINTING, paper hanging. 939-7946 LAWN service. YE 9-1889. BLOCK fences, cement patios. Best quality, best price.

252-5479. CHILDREN boarded. 942-2780. TRASH, miscellaneous hauled cheap, BR 5-6003, BR 5-3425. AM 6-7632.

PLASTER repair. Licensed EXPERT Taping, texturing. AM 6-7632. TREES. Yard work, 275-8796.

PALM trees hedges, trimmed or removed. Tree topping, insured. 278-3352. home CONCRETE patios, improvements. Licensed bonded.

WH 6-2023. CR 4-0380. HAULING, skip loader housework. YE 9-0563. AUTOMATIC washers, dryers, Work dishwashers repaired.

Experienced. nings guaranteed. AL 4-4369, (eve275-5156). ROTOTILLING, leveling, tractor work. Winter lawns.

Granite. Reasonable. AL 2-3386. ALTERATIONS. CR 7-4558.

HAULING. Cleanup, 964-7904. ELECTRICAL work, 942-1767. 253-8409. DRESSMAKING, alterations.

LAWNS. AP 8-0030. We buy diamonds, old gid BELL, 134 W. Wash. 2-4670 CHILD care, Maryvale area.

939-7496. Small CEMENT work, patio, driveway. jobs. AL 4-4914. IRONING.

75c hour. Papago area 946-8836. North BABY 36th sitting, my home. 4202 Street. Also drapes.

Men and women. ALTERATIONS. done. 946-7524. Expertly and neatly AL 3-2315.

work. Electric tools. CARPENTER PAINTING, average size house $85. Highly experienced. References.

Free estimates. AL 4-6837. IKEE work. Cheap. 264-2328.

TYPING. AM 6-4096. FILL BEST DIRT. TOP SOIL $1.50 YD. DEL 937-2761, AL 2-1853.

942-1767. CEMENT finished, block mason. LAWN services, AL 2-3763. CUT trees, AL 2-3763. LAWNS.

276-3376. inum. ROOF painting, colors or alum254-2820." CABINETS built. 277-1200. PHOTO Retoucher, part-time freelance work.

45 years experience. Box 100-JK, Republic and Gazette. ation CHILD available. care. Maryvale.

Transport278-2581. and CONTRACTOR, bonded, building remodeling. BR 5-1533. PAINTING, interior, exterior. 275-7279.

LAWN service. 268-0540. BLOCK brick work. WH 6-8873. timates.

CERAMIC BR tile contractor, free 5-6083. AMERICAN COSMETOLOGIST HAIRDRESSERS Join SERVICE. our registry. Licensed hairdressers. Absolutely free to operators.

279-0710. wishes TWO- YEAR time, nursing student full employment. Light typing. Drinker. Dependable.

Non-smoker or TYPING. Experienced, typist desires thesis, theme, piece work. Electric typewriter. Reasonable. ImKlemt, mediate YE attention to work.

Sue 7-4070. HAULING, cleanup, handyman. 275-9226. small. and painting No iob too REPAIR Free estimates, 942-2561.

FREE to salesmen who want to make more money, full or time. Send name, age and occ. spare for free copy Opportunity Magazine describing 200 new fast sellers. No cost, no obligation. Write Opportunity, 850 N.

Dearborn, Dept. A5, Chicago, Illinois 60610. PAINTING exceptional, reasonable. AM 5-9501. manship, PAINTING, references, highest free quality estimates.

work- $2 hour. 254-6837. PAINTING, reasonable. Interior, exterior. AL 8-1173.

20 years PAINTING, experience. decorating, inside-out. AL 4-4618. CHILD care. WI 3-6707.

CHILD care, my home. Emerson Shool district. AL 3-2618. IRONING. 266-4239.

BABY sitting and ironing wanted. Anytime. Reasonable. West Sherman, 272-4691. vice.

COMPLETE house cleaning serPainting if desired. Free estimates. 254-8151. GRANITE for lawns, driveways. AL 3-2826.

COOK assistant. AL 4-4215. 253-3837. DOWNTOWN, infant care, days. letters, TYPING, stickers, resumes, manuscripts, All types office inventory extending.

work done in home. Pick up and delivery. 276-0545, CHILD care. 947-2146 INFANT care, one month, thru six months old. Vicinity Street and Campbell.

279-8741. MATURE lady to baby sit. My home. 934-0661. CEMENT work, floors, patios, driveways, carports, experience.

254-3530 LAWN service. WI 3-5168. TRASH hauling. AL 2-2258. LAWN services, flower beds.

YE 9-7364. IRONING, my home, pickup and deliver. 275-4396. YARD work, light hauling, janitor work. Renovating.

References. 276-4744. PAINTING $2 hour. Free estimates, references. 22 yrs.

in Phoenix. 253-1091. BUILDING, commercial and resident. Remodeling especially. 969-6579.

ERATION, Experienced, 279-1992. HANDYMAN. CR 4-4082. Reliable. MOVING 277-3575, furniture.

Reasonable. BR 5-1706. CEMENT work. Free estimates. CR 9-4369.

TILE installed. BR 5-9509. CARPET Cleaning. Wilkins. 942-0768 LAWN service.

Winter lawns. CR 7-9556. trimmed. LAWNS, 276-3947. gardening, hedges CHILD care.

My home. Vicinity 26th Avenue-Bethany. 279-4693. TOP soil. Fertilizers.

BR 3-0390. TYPING. General office work. IBM electric. 264-0700, after 5:30 p.m.

IRONING. 277-4571. MOVING. Hauling. 274-3728.

hangers. IRONING. 1219 South $1 hourly. Bring 18th Street. handbags, LADIES lovely new clothing, shoes.

six throw cushions. All AL very 3-5649. reasonable. Boys toys, 75c. established TRADE triplex equity for small business.

943-9007. kit it and 1 will finishing put it service. together. You KNITTER'S Call mornings, AL 3-5894. BRICK layer, all types mason work.

937-9490. baby WILL board and care for infant up to 3 years old free fo charge McKinley. in my home. 1138 East TREE surgeon, 30 years ence. feeding.

Trimming, topping, removing. YE 9-5204. home. TYPING 268-0816. and bookkeeping, my CLEANING.

Cheap. AL 3-8714. Ironing, $1.50 dozen. WI 4-7595. DANCING, pay as you learn at the price.

From professionals with 10 years experience. Call after AL 3-8314. 5:30. IRONING. Sunnyslope.

944-1441. PAINTING, $10 room. WI 3-8955. Work PAINTING! Cheap! Spraying! guaranteed. 274-3172.

ing. COMPLETE lawn service, mow. cleanups. edgings, 252-6273. hedge, tree trimming, JAPANESE gardener wants year around yard work.

AM 5-6449. CARPET laying. 278-7148. Average LAWN lawn, service. Free estimates.

$5. 252-0519. TYPING. 278-7385. IRONINGS.

AL 4-4215. LAWNS cut, shrubs trimmed, win. ter 268-0527. grass planted. Reasonable.

BRICK, block, stone. AM 5-8428. YARD work. Weekly AM 6-4702. DRESSMAKING.

Alterations. 943-8555. EXPERT WASHER REPAIR Balentine's 6544 N. 59th Ave-937-2033 CHILD care, fenced yard, Near Simpson School-Chris- Town. 265- 5629.

PAINTING. Free estimates. 202-Business Persons IRONING, $1 hourly. 939-3673. ROOFING, Re Rooting, Repairs.

254-4406. EXPERIENCED fence builder wants steady work. Call Sacramento Calif. 428-2506 collect. BABY sitter.

Day or evening. My home. Near 44th. East Thomas Road. 277-5393.

CHILD care. My home. Scottsdale. LIGHT hauling and delivery. Re liable man with pickup.

266-5782. CARPENTRY and cabinetry, rea sonable. References 939-3562. CARPENTER work. all types.

Small jobs. Patios, carports. Work guaranteed. 254-8510. GUARANTEED painting.

Reasonable. BR 5-1065. INDEPENDENT painter. 20 years experience. exterior.

Have own eautpment. Special on all vacancies. Free estimates. 936-1541. CR ANYTHING in concrete.

Licensed. 9-6334. MASONRY. Block, brick. stone.

Room additions. Fireplaces. Block walls. 275-8771. NEW CEILINGS.

Drywall and acoustical systems. Estimates gladly. 258-1005. MOVING-Hauling. 277-5345.

PAINTING, $2 hourly. 0053 256-4416. IRONING. 2138 East Harvard, TOP SOIL FILL AM 5-7991 ALL kinds of carpenter work. BR 6-6885.

Iv. BABY AM sitting, evenings. hour5-4984. PLASTER, stucco, patch work. BR 5-5615.

LANDSCAPING, 30 years experience. New lawns, fixups. maintenance, shrubbery. YE 9-5204. CHILD care.

nursery. $10 weekly. 274-8257. PAINTING $10 room. interior.

terior. 942-4992. CHILD care. 266-4027. Marry in 1 Hr WI 4-3453 tests.

Phoenix License or SU day 3-4301, Yuma, Blood icity. or nite No pubNo waiting after Ariz. divorce. Chapel, Lutes First Greta Green Wedding 500 Yuma. 254-4408.

CARPET laying, cleaning. Repair. TYPING, transcribing. WI 3-5825. CHILD care, my home.

275-8696. Licensed, PAINTING Interior exterior. bonded. Estimates 944 7628. Money Problems? 279-8843.

TYPING. BR 5-7906. IRONING, $1.50 dozen. Prompt service. 266-3623.

LOCAL CONTRACTOR Will build, remodel or repair your Room swimming additions, pool, home, free or garage. estimates, compare. 264-5311. SHIPP'S TREE SERVICE Free Estimate 266-7087 CHILD care. Anytime.

Transportation. 252-6466. CERAMIC tile installed. AM 6-4189. SIGNS painted.

AP 8-3703. 205-Freight Transportation Moving-Storage RENT 18' Van Driver. AL 3-5930. TWO grain trucks for hire. YE 3-3139.

NEED job delivering cars. 6427 South 23rd Street. 206-Passenger Transports. National Auto Driveway Pickup delivery any city USA Bonded Reliable Drivers ESTABLISHED 6 YEARS 1411 N. 7th 254-4535 A-American Auto Delivery TO FROM ANY CITY Personalized door Dependable to door Service service.

BONDED INSURED Drivers PHONE 264-0234 4309 N. 16th Street Let Us Deliver Your Car Low DOOR Rates, TO Fast DOOR-COAST TO COAST Dependable Service AAA DRIVE-A-WAY 2201 W. Buckeye Rd. AL 3-3331 Louis. to Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Dr.

as your own. 264-0812. 210-Special Notices WE now have Swift's Proten Beef. West Landy's Market, 15th Avenue and McDowell 2-9378. REPUBLIC GAZETTE DIRECTORY BUSINESS PROFESS A ALTERATIONS oring.

MENS Zippers womens alterations, tailrepaired. 254-1892. APPLIANCES 272-6321 APPLIANCE Eves RENTALS CR 4-2072 ARCHITECTURAL House Plans, Small Commercial, 24 yrs. experience. Call Ev CR 9-0000 AUTO REPAIRING Completion auto E.

Van rebuilding. Buren. AL Johnny 3-9513 BATHS MASSAGE Cave SWEAT Creek Bath Massage. 13002 Road. WI 4-1931.

stm. SAGUARO 210-C Health Studio. Massage COOK'S E. Taylor 254-0654. moved to 373 Massage, 211 E.

Roosevelt, Swedish N. 6th Ave. AL 4-7857. 9-7 p.m. 1413 Massage Steam Baths SWEAT E.

McDowell 253-5871. Cave Creek Bath Massage. 13628 Road. 943-0152. 1026 N.

MASSAGE, 7th Ave. colonic, AL whirlpool bath. 3-0979. 602 North SWEDISH. MASSAGELychnis Miller 947-3478 Open moved 4116 E.

Bell Rd. 10 A.M.-7 P.M. 942-6111. SCIENTIFIC masseure-masseuse, massage-Sauna bath, by apt. 946-9039.

BLOCK WORK BIk-Cement-Work 9440078 BUILDING CONTRACTORS Expert-Home add-a-rm, new homes, comm. 20 yrs. Reas. CR98856 NEW ADD-A-ROOM, RESIDENCE PLANNING ETC. 253-7940 HARMONY HOMES DON'T Professional Improvements.

934-1008 WE Anytime MOVE-IMPROVE mercial remodeling. New home room and addi- comspecialize, in cial. tions, Elmer Schler, and CR small commer7-7409. ing. Room Furnish additions, all plans carports, remodeltions.

Licensed contractor. Graduate specificaengineer. Bonded. 264-7177. Additions, BUILD- bik.

REMODEL ANYTHING or frame. 274-5849. Free est. plans. Room add etc.

Universal, 252-7379, 275-0446. Free Patio Covers. Carports, Additions Est. (Lic). 943-3030 CR 7-8971.

LICENSED contractor. FHA approved, remodeling, add-a-room, etc. Quality estimates. work, reasonable prices, 7-5344. CHILD CARE CARE-WELL NURSERY INFANT'S-KINDERGARTEN Accredited "CHILDREN ARE OUR BUSINESS" ing readiness- exp'd Spanish.

teachers, ReadBal. meals. 265-2561 2 biks S. Indian School 15th Ave, Fairmount. Rd.

Corner Ave. Under 3845 N. 15th new management. CABINET MAKING ANYTHING. Wood or Formica.

4648 Ave. 266-9388. Eve. 279-7007. CARPENTRY Small Jobs A specialty Remodel-Repair-Licensed.

AM 6-8522 BUILDdential Add'ns, patio, roofs. carports, restLic. bond. comm. work guar.

remodel. 253-3296. Non-union. SMALL REMODELING CARPENTRY REPAIRS, 943-1844 CARPET CLEANING Wolf's Carpets- Drapes- Decorator Expertly cleaned. Service-937-8818.

CARPET LAYING Days, CARPETS, Installed Repaired. Eves, Sun. 275-3053. CEMENT WORK AIl Free types Est. cement, work-reasonable.

943-3030 CR 7-8971 ESTON TYPES SKINNER CEMENT WORK 939-3741 ALL CERAMIC TILE CERAMIC TILE New bonded or remodeling. By licensed contractors. 264-9438. DENTAL WORK ONE day service on extractions and plates for out-of-town patients. Edgar B.

Pease. Member 245 California Fox Society of Dental Surgeons, Theater Bldg. AL 4-3943 DIRT Dirt man Best Top Del 1111. Cheap. AL DELIVERED SOIL CHEAP.

FILL AL DIRT. 2-2068. TOPSOIL, $1.50 yd. delivered. FIll dirt delivered, cheap.

CR 9-2478. DIRT, Very Deliv. Best Top SOIL FILL Reasonable. AM 5-7991. ELECTRICAL Free est.

PHIL'S ELEC. SERVICH Lic-bonded ins. Free Residential Est. Lic Comm Industrial Bonded 937-9749 Free DON'S UNITED ELEC. SERVICE est.

Lic. Bonded. 275-2143. FIREWOOD N. $20, 19th A Cord, Free Del.

Bob, 6301 REPUBLIC GAzeTTE DIRECTORY BUSINESS HAULING ANYTHING, envtime, Misc. cleanUP Skin loader Dump truck, 937-0214 JUDO INSTRUCTION JUDO instruction by black belt expert for men. children at Dick Leininger Smith's Swim Gym Call M. at 643-5623 or CR eve. Only from 5:30 p.m.

LAWN SERVICE LAWN SERVICE YARD CARE MORGAN COMPANY 266-6607 Custom mow cope averape Yo $5 Dirt new cleanups Soll Lawn Serv. Excavating. 937-276L Hedge trim, winter lawn clean- ups, monthly WI 2-5670. MASONRY CONTRACTOR. in Brick, block, specializing stone.

Savoca 279-6112 OUTDOOR LIVING Patios, Patios, Patios, Patios, Patios. 942-4376 PAINTING PAINTING INT. EXT. Neat Clean. 254-9554 Int Ext.

Also. None 100 small. spray painting. Free est. 274-1662.

HARRY PAINTER FROM HOLLAND SPRANG. 943-8904 spray WI need work. Ref. Also PAINTING For roofs. 3-6266.

CR 7-0292. PAINTING and best job fastest Call 265-2825. PAPERHANGING EV'S ENDS. PAPERHANGING WEEK. 934-1455 anytime.

PAVING ANDRIST BLACKTOP INC. areas. Trailer 274-9487 courts. driveways, for free estimate, parking PLUMBING PLUMBING NON UNION CITY LICENSE 25 Yrs. AM 5-3343 24 Qualtire hr.

service Plumbing. Good 944-3571 honest work 937-4243. LIC. Plumbing. New.

Sewer lines. Remodeling, Adams. AM 6-5396 24 Plumbing Hr. Emergency Ser. McCormick 264-4509, 937-6929 939-8013.

PRINTING 601 McGrew PRINTERY. Since 1891 E. Adams St. Phone AL 4-4768. ROOFING YOU Sales.

can Free save money. Mathus Rool est. 275-2218 BR 6-4636. CAMPBELL ROOFING ILL Leaks, beat roofing, repair. 272-2141, ing, LIc.

any qualified bid, Contr. BR 5-8188, AM4-3921 SANDBLASTING SANDBLASTING, Epoxy colored paints. Small jobs welcome. 254-6531 SAW FILING 19th OHLSON'S Ave. SAW SERVICE AL 2-0641 SEWING MACHINES CLEAN, OIL ADJUST, $2 ALL MAKES REPAIRED 252-6178 TELEVISION Guaranteed DOLLAR TV SERVICE 275-5368 service on all models.

Lowest rates in town. Call anytime TILE-CERAMIC Ceramic Tile. Specializing bath. kitchen, remodel. AL 4-3032, 944-1427.

TREES Feeding, ALADDIN Trees, Dangerous limbs. fertilizing. R. E. Brown Owner.

3233 E. Pierce. 273-0156. UPHOLSTERING UPHOLSTERY, Best Quality- -AL 3-9293 TOP QUALITY fabrics and labor lowest prices! Written guarantee No money down! Budget Uph. CR 7-7511 CHAIR couch in naugahyde comp.

Repairs. AL 4-1410 or 2 PIECE SET FOR $46 Hollywood Upholsterers 278-8604 UPHOLSTERING, ex work. Prompt service. Pakan. 4-4488.

Many close out fabrics at price. Save. Jo's Upholstery. 272-0344 WASHER REPAIR Washer Refrigeration Repair Service. Rentals.

Myhand's 253-8785. TODAY'S VITAL STATISTICS and Classes 2 through 13 Classified Advertising 2-Funeral Announcements 11. ABERNATHY, Thomas W. Services a.m. Tuesday, Chapel of Light, Green Acres Mortuary.

Interment Green Acres Memorial Gardens. Charles Visitation after 5 p.m. Monday. R. Whitney Director.

BERGMAN, Earl L. Funeral services Monday 10 a.m., Messinger Mortuary Chapel, Scottsdale. Rev. John F. Shaw officiating.

Interment Greenwood, CALDWELL, Ann. R. Surviving husdore band G. George both of W. and Scottsdale, son Theorer, Mrs.

Mary Caldwell, Hazelwood, Onda, H. Penn. Brothers, Michael Edinboro, Penn, Steven, Pittsburg, Albert and Mrs. John, Mary Hazelwood, Penn. Sister, Calif.

Funeral Bella, San Bernardino, 10 Chapel, Messinger Mortuary services Tuesday Scottsdale. Rev R. E. Florence officiating. Private cremation.

CAGANICH, Barbara E. 2423 East 4 Oak. Mother of Frank and George, grandchildren also survived. Rosary 7 p.m. Monday In Whitney Murphy Chapel.

Requiem High of Mass 9 a.m. Tuesday in Church St. Agnes. Burial St. Francis.

CARROLL, conducted Martha Rev. Charies Services by E. McHatton 3:30 p.m. Monday in Chapel of Memories, A. L.

Moore Sons. Interment at Greenwood. CHESNUTT, Earl H. Surviving sister Mrs. Elsie C.

Horton, Webster Maude Groves, Aunt, Mrs. Jordan, Prescott, Ariz. Arrangements pending. Messinger Mortuary, Scottsdale. CRAIG, Albert V.

Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Craig of WAFB. Graveside services 10 a.m. Tuesday Warren in Mesa Cemetery, Bishop Peterson officiating.

Meldrum Mortuary. FOOTE, Morral A. Passed Friday at Window Rock, Arizona. Survived by wife Cora 1122 Mrs. Butte Viola Tempe; daughters, Williams of Mesa, Mrs.

Marlene McLain of Scottsdale; son Morral D. Foote of Scottsdale; mother, Mrs. Lavina Foote of Mesa; brothers Glade Foote Mesa and L. T. Foote of California; sisters, Mrs.

Merle Ryan of Mesa, Reva Hansen of Lovell, Wyoming, Mrs. Harry and Grabbert Mrs. of George Emblem, Ruff Wyoming, Montana. Services Tuesday, 2 p.m. of Joliet, LDS Church, Tempe Ward.

Interment Green Acres Memorial ing Garden. 7-9 Visitation Monday evenp.m. Green Acres Mort. vary. Charles R.

Whitney, director. GANT, Annie E. Riverside, Callfornia. Mother of Clyde C. Otting.

er, Phoenix, Mrs. Stanley H. Minor, B. Riverside, California, Travis Gant, Phoenix, Leon R. Gant, Lakeview, G.

California. Sister of Mrs. L. Haby. San Mateo, California, Mrs.

Sarah Hayes, Prescott, Frank A. Butler, Los Altos, California, W. B. Butler, Yucca Valley, Saturday. Seven California.

Passed grandchildren, away 11 great also survive. Services conducted by Rev. C. Vaughan Rock, 10 a.m. Monday in Memory Chapel.

A. Moore Sons. Interment Greenwood. A Cancer Society is preferred. contribution to the American Friends may call after noon today.

GAMBOA, Refugio Cruz. Services 10 a.m. Monday, First Methodist Church Tempe, Rev. M. B.

Garcia officiating. Interment in Double Butte. Prayer services 7:30 p.m. Sunday in Carr Memorial Chapel, Tempe. GERMONPREZ, Frank E.

215 North Rosary 8 p.m. Monday in Whitney Murphy Chapel. Services .10 a.m. Tuesday In Whitney Murphy Chapel conducted by Elks Lodge, BPOE No. 335.

Graveside services by the Elks St. Francis Cemetery. GOLDEN, Frank R. Services p.m. ducted by Rev.

Roy Miller 12:45 ories, A. Monday in Chapel of MemL. Moore Sons. inter. ment at Memory Lawn.

Friends may call after 10:00 a.m. today. GUTIERREZ, Cruz of El Mirage. Chapel Arrangements pending, Lundberg's of the Chimes, Glendale. HOWE, Kenneth B.

Services 10 a.m. Monday, Lundberg's Golden Door Chapel, Youngtown. Rev. Charles burgh, Surber Pa. officiating.

Interment PiffsVisitation 2-8 p.m. today. MAHONY, George M. 115th Ave. Van ments Buren, later Tolleson.

Announce: Arizona Funeral Home. Henry T. Forman Elliah Pope, Directors, I 12-Funeral Announcements MARCOTTE, Arthur J. Passed Safford. Arizona Friday.

ices 11 a.m. Mandar. Chapel Light, Green Acres Mortuary. Graveside services conducted by Luke Post American Legion at Green Acres Memorial Gardens. Friends may call at Mortuary from Sunday eve ning.

Charles R. Whitney. Director. MARSH. Nettie May.

Graveside services p.m. Monday. Green Acres Memorial Gardens. Rev. Henry Reenstierna officiating.

Charles R. Whitney, Director MARTINEAU, Services conducted by Bishop Gardon L. Chapman 10 a.m. Monday in Mesa LDS 23rd Ward Chapel. Friends may call at Meidrum Mortuary 48 p.m.

today. Interment Mesa Cemetery. NICKUM. Mr. Bertha.

Services by C. T. McCaskill 11:30 a.m. conducted A. Monday in Chapel of Memories.

L. Greenwood. Moore Sons. Interment at Pearl John Surviving wife. PATRIKUS, E.

Phoenix, son Elmer Paters trikus. Buffalo. New York, daughSunnyvale. Mrs. Audrey Lauterborn.

Anaheim, Doris K. Martin. Gilchrist, Calif. Mrs. Edna Marie Mrs.

brother Patricia Amel C. Folker, Clarence. New York, and Phoenix, New York. 29 Patrikus, Buffalo. grandchildren.

Private cremation under of MESSINGER the direction Scottsdale. MORTUARY. band John Bobbie. Survived by husPREWIT, Carroll Scottsdale. Son.

Calif. Edward Terry, Torrance, Sisters: Mrs. Ona Joy Litterst, Phx. Mrs. Fred (Alma) Patotzka.

Glenn Brothers: Elliott, Ralph Prescott, Eillott, W. Elliott, George Texas; Texarkana, Texas. Also Herman 7 Elliott, Houston, ices Fletcher will be conducted by Dr. grandchildren. ServChapel in the Garden.

3 p.m. MERCER Mon. H. Scharer, MORTUARY. Interment Greenwood.

Friends may call after p.m. todav. PRICE, Jane N. Wife of John W. Services 2 p.m.

Mon. First Baptist liam of Duncan. Rev. J. D.

Wit Church Ariz. officiating. Interment Duncan. REID, NORTHWEST MORTUARY. Elias Suding.

Services conducted G. by Rev. B. J. Geist M.

Penfield 2:00 Mr. in Chapel of Memories, p.m. Monday MOORE A. L. to He will be taken SONS.

Friends Pulaski, 11. for interment. may call today. of RODARTE, Refugio, Beloved father Mary Ann Santovas, Maior Lewis R. Rodarte.

Also survived of by the four grandchildren. Recitation MORTENSEN tonight 8 p.m. Rosary CENTER. Requiem Mass Mon. FUNERAL KINGS a.m.

STUART. at St. Matthew's 10 Church. wife Hazel, Charles H. Survived by Sons, Don, South Bend, Indiana.

Charles South Longmont, Bend. Daughters, Colorado: Mary Maxine Louise Whorton, South Bend; Georgia oil City, many. Hillsamer, Step-sons, Rev. Phillip W. Lou DeSonia, USAF, GerMark E.

Hillsamer, Anderson, Indiana: diana. Brothers Frank, Marion, Russ, Ward Services Stuart, interment South Bend. South Bend. GREEN will be in Director. MORTUARY, Charles R.

Whitney. Services Sally E. 91 vears old. SWARTZEL, slope Chapel Monday of 10 a.m. SunnyARY.

Rev. William HANSEN MORTUment daughter, Greenwood. Smith. InterLucille Lundy, Survived Dewey, one Charleston, son, Charles Swartzel, Virginia Huff, S.C.: Camp two Verde: sisters: Mrs. Mrs.

Maude Staples, St. Louis, Mo. Five children. grandchildren, two great grandRev. Vada Milton E.

Services conducted THOMAS, a.m. Tuesday Van Slyke, 10:00 A. MOORE in Memory Chapel, at Camelback SONS. Interment TRACY, Services 2. Harvey 0.

1505 E. Cemetery. Pierce, Chapel. Interment Monday. Greenwood Sunset Mea.m.

morial. Friends may call until service time today. after 9 Las TREES, Flores Thornton Robert. Avenue, Goodyear. 67.

Hus- 100 Mrs. band S. of C. Clara Trees. Hoesler, Los Father Angeles, of Brittin, Springfield.

Brother of Mrs. E. D. California. father of Kimberly Illinois.

Flowers, GrandAngeles, Calif. Passed away Fri- Los day. Illinois He for be taken to Athens, Friends may services call and interment. 10 a.m. until 9 p.m.

Monday from SONS. A. L. Moore ents WALDMAN, Mr. and James Mrs.

R. James Surviving parman and sister Joanne F. man, all of M. WaldJosephine Waldman, Scottsdale. Phoenix.

Aunt, Miss Funeral services Scottsdale, Congregational 11 United a.m. Granite Reef Road, Rev. Camelback Lee and Smallsreed Jr. officiating. J.

ment Memory Lawn. Family Intergests donations to Maricopa Council for retarded children. County Phoenix. 4-In Memoriam 27th AVE. COMM.

2 LOT 158' fully 264' parcel zoned C-2. at Asking Campbell $285 Ave. front foot with terms. per this lot now! Then call Investigate Us. DERKS REALTY INV.

CO. 133 W. Camelback AM 6-5647 5-Funeral Directors FORMAN'S 376 Arizona's Funeral Home N. 3rd Ave. AL 3-2332 MERCER MORTUARY Phone THOMAS AM RD.

AT 16TH 6-2441 Private Parking A. L. MOORE SONS Adams at 4th Ave. AL 4-4111 A. L.

MOORE SONS Services Tomorrow NICKUM, Annie, 10:00 a.m. GANT, GOLDEN, 11:30 a.m. Bertha, REID, Frank, 12:45 p.m. Elias, 2:00 p.m. CARROLL, Martha, 3:30 p.m.

Adams at Fourth Avenue BETHANY CHAPEL AND MORTUARY 710 West Bethany Home CR 9-7368 BLOOM'S 3800 So. Phoenix Mortuary So. Central Ave. BR 6-2171 GRIMSHAW PALMS CHAPEL 334 W. Monroe AL 8-7777 Larry CHAPEL J.

OF Melcher Mortuary THE ROSES 43 S. Stapley Dr. WO 4-4537 PARADISE CHAPEL RALPH L. SAGE, DIRECTOR 3934 E. Indian School AM 4-4484 SUNSET CHAPEL 301 W.

Camelback 277-2603 WEBBER SONS EASTLAKE MORTUARY 1641 E. Jefferson AL 4-8734 6-Florists Flowers DONOFRIO Wired FLORAL via CO. -since 1909 254-6761 136 T.D N. anywhere Centra 7-Cemetery Lots Services and 3 LOTS Memorial Park. CR Two MEMORY Lawn Memorial Park.

7-6567. 276-1327. or four lots. For information, tion. TWO or Garden four, of spaces.

Choice 265-4408. Flowers. Save $160. localots, GREEN marker Acres, Scottsdale. Two etc.

10-Lost BLACK miniature poodle, three years old. Nursing pups. 967-6349. Wearing DACHSHUND, male, Black and tan. Granite collar and license.

Vicinity ward. Reef and Indian School. Re WH 6-1538. WH BASSET Hound. Male.

Reward. 6-4358. CAT, Bluepoint male Siamese. Reward. 258-0550.

Linton Flute with Case at 16th St. E. McDowell. Reward 266-7032. home.

REWARD. "Linda" come CAT. cinity 30th Strayed Street September and 26. VIhair. Spayed No female.

Silky Left mixed gray Moreland. Last foot yeflow. Call seen 32nd Street, Indian School. M. Nichols, 3013 East Moreland.

BR 5-0218. WINDBREAKER lacket-fan, sweater-gray. Fell off motorcycle at 401h Street-Broadway. AM 6-5807. Reward.

SHELL Credit issued 10 Allen. Call AM 5-8349. Reward. DOG, medium brown and white female. Hit by car Thurdday morning at Northern and 29th Avenue.

944-3796. SIAMESE female kitten, nine months old. Vicinity West 5th Avenue-Extension, blue Mesa, wearing pink collar with stones. Reward. 964-7390.

POODLE puppy, male. Beige. Scottsdale. Reward. 947-3101; 946-2586 glasses.

KEYS AM and 4-9111. black Apt. 108. prescription Birth Control Schism Cited In Catholics LIKE TO GET EXTRA MILEAGE FROM YOUR DO DAILY IN THE REPUBLIC AND GAZETTE WANT ADS MARKET PLACE ARIZONA Dark GLASSES, prescription. (Men's.) brown, framed.

Brown leather case. 937-4456. CAT. Female. Siamese.

Reward. 278-3022. 11-Found BASSETT dog. 948-3649. CAT, full grown, white, leather collar, BR 5-6035.

FEMALE German shepherd. Approximately eight months old. 944-4916 13-Auctions WARE'S AUCTION TWO 3811 W. Ind. Sch.



SELL McDowell ON COMMISSION BR 3-1669 AUCTION AUCTION Every Wed. 9 a.m. p.m., 4001 1 North 7th St. WE BUY OUTRIGHT OR SELL ON COMMISSION JOHN BRUNK SONS AUCTIONEERS 264-3204 NO day SUN sale further notice. AUCTION THURS 7 P.M.

2517 W. VALLEY AUCTION Buckeye AP 8-8933 THE BIG RELIABLE Van Cleve Auction WE FRIDAY DAY NIGHT OR SELL PAY MORE CASH 5134 Glendale ON Ave. CONSIGNMENT YE 7-4771 Eastside Buyers BR 3-1669 GUS SONNY'S AAA AUCTION We buy EVERY FRIDAY 7.P.M. signment outright or sell on confor quick cash. CALL 277-3812 GRAND OLD AUCTION 2633 E.

Indian School CR 4660 Sale Sun-10 a.m. 1 Or Sell For You On Consignment p.m. 10-Lost nity GERMAN Shepherd, female, East 48th Street and Thomas. Cambridge. Col.

Laun, Buy for Cash Owner and Auctioneer CHICAGO (UPI) A Roman Catholic theologian said yesterday a recently published book of essays exemplifies the "moral schism" in the church over the issue of birth control. The Rev. Francis Filas, S.J., chairman of the theology department of Loyola University, said the book of essays, written as a public plea to the second Vatican council, "more clearly than any other published document" exemplifies the rift. Father Filas, in a review article in the official newspaper of the Chicago archdiocese, said the book "Contraception and Holiness. 'The Catholic Predicament," questioned the Roman Catholic Church's traditional condemnation of birth control "dangerously and ambiguously." THE BOOK, containing 11 essays, one of which is by Archbishop Thomas Roberts, S.D., former archbishop of Bombay, India, argues that the church should revise its opposition to birth control in the light of recent medical advances.

But to reverse "principles already taught by the church," Father Filas said in comments on the article, "would utterly destroy the teaching authority of the church because it would wipe out extremely firm moral teachings up to this point." The book, he said, "skirts dangerously and ambiguously the question of morality-by-vote and seems to claim that if enough people disagree with a moral pronouncement, their disagreement is enough to warrant changing it." FATHER FILAS said the church has officially condemned artificial contraception for the last 150 years. This stand was reiterated 34 years ago by Pope Pius XI in an encyclical, he said. Recently, Pope Paul VI said that although the church was studying the issue, "We do not have sufficient motives to consider out of date and therefore not binding the norms given by Pope Pius XII in this regard. Therefore they must be considered valid at least until we feel obliged in conscience to change them." THE BOOK "exemplifies more clearly than any other published document" the danger that the Catholic Church is faced with "a moral schism within its ranks over the issue of contraception." Father Filas said he wrote his article "to indicate the tremendously strong weight of Roman Catholic opinion, based on traditional a and official Catholic doctrine, against artificial contraception, and to balance the overwhelmingly one sided views released by those who claim to be spokesmen." Legal Advertising effective NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that formerly November 1964, the business Associates, known of as Vineyard-Hernly and Phoenix, Arizona, 222 West Osborne Road, James Hernly, and has will been be assumed by that Hernly address and under the name of James operated at Associates. HOWARD VINEYARD ASSOCIATES Street Tustin, California 7, 1964.

November 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Published: 113-Auctions SALE SUNDAY 9 A.M. CHECK AUCTION CITY THIS WEEK Liv. Lots rm. good furniture, bedrm sets, of TVs lots of misc. Please beds, be here sets, bunk early INVITED.

to get the bargains. DEALERS 708 E. MOHAVE AUCTION AUCTION FROM LOCAL ESTATE SUN 1 P.M. 4001 NORTH 7TH ST type This is dining a partial listing: table, 6 matching chairs, Spanish carved dresser poster chest, bed carved with matching inq rm set, silver. Indian Artifacts, liv2 piece lots china.

of Indian pottery. Old Carnival glasi. Button glass, collec- Old tion. Sectional bookcase, desk bination. Governor Winthrop desk.

comOdd Twin chests. pineapple beds, poster beds. dar chest. Lots Marble of linens. top pieces.

Cedreds hundreds of small Books. pieces. HunThis with is all a the complete bedroom home All things that go with it. no later merchandise than must be removed noon Monday Nov. 2nd JOHN BRUNK SONS AUCTIONEERS 264-3204 BIG NO SALE SALE TUESDAY 3 TUESDAY NOV.

10th Open as Usual to Buy or Accept Consignments. ALLIED AUCTION 2946 E. McDowell Rd. BR 3-1669 BANKRUPTCY AUCTION WED 10 A.M. NOV.

CARROLL SMITH PAINTING N. 12th ST. PAINTING EQUIP. 'PAINT Engines, Sprayers DeVilbiss and Compressors, Street Line Marker, Portable Scaffolding, Spray: Gallons 10 of PICKUPS AND Misc. Supplies.

The Arizona Auctioneers M. Burack AL 8-6981 M. Kramer Too Late To Classify room UNIQUE home. Office refrigerated and three bed. room guest house.

St. Under $35,000. TV, $50. 264-4246, Francis. bedAL 4-7071.

nished THREE bedroom. bath, unfurW1 3-2150. Call after 10 a.m. house. Irrigation Daily SAN CARLOS RESERVOIR Report: Lake hr.

per. ending 7:00 a.m. 24 Available, Elevation 2408.45 10-30-64 Water Discharging Storage acre-feet 42542 Disch. 24 hr. second per.

feet acre-ft. n. Loss acre feet Evaporation: Land, Inches Maximum Rain 0 inches. Anemometer 22 miles Minimum.

The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.